
Why hasn’t Twitter banned users who called for the death of Covington Catholic students?

Let’s suppose — just suppose — for a minute that the events outside the Lincoln Memorial last Friday had played out the way Omaha elder Nathan Phillips claimed in one of his several accounts of what transpired. Let’s imagine that he was beating his drum and chanting when he was suddenly surrounded by white teenagers in MAGA hats who began to taunt him and ridicule his Indian heritage. Would that have justified the death wishes toward the teens that have been voiced on Twitter?

Better yet, wouldn’t — shouldn’t — that have been grounds for Twitter banning those users?

The social media platform certainly had no qualms about banning a Christian pastor who had written a book promoting traditional marriage, claiming it to be “hate speech.” In October of last year, Twitter banned ten conservative accounts, giving no reason at all.

Yet, the platform saw no reason to ban Erik Abriss is a contributor to New York Media’s pop culture site Vulture, who tweeted:

Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?

I don’t know what it says about me but I’ve truly lost the ability to articulate the hysterical rage, nausea, and heartache this makes me feel. I just want these people to die. Simple as that. Every single one of them. And their parents.

He enlarged on that opinion shortly after, writing:

Racism is in its Boomer death throes. It will die out with this younger generation!’ Look at the shit-eating grins on all those young white slugs’ faces. Just perverse pleasure at wielding a false dominion they’ve been taught their whole life was their divine right. F–ing die.

His comments were noxious enough to prompt his firing by Vulture but not enough to get him booted from Twitter. His account is still up, though his tweets are now “protected.”

Neither has Twitter suspended the account of Los Angeles DJ “House Shoes” (aka Michael Buchanan) despite his having tweeted “Burn the f*cking school down” with the students inside and urging his listeners to “shoot Trump supporters.”

Typical of cowardly liberal hit-and-run hatred, Buchanan deleted the tweet, but his account remains alive and well and adorned by the blue “verified” checkmark:

Twitter’s posting policy prohibits violence in general, but somehow its moderators missed the tweet by CNN commentator Bakari Sellers fantasizing about punching a 15-year-old Covington Catholic High School student in the face. His account is still safe and proudly wears the blue checkmark:

In March 2018, Twitter founder and CEO Jack Dorsey sought advice on how Twitter could become the “most trusted service in the world.” I could recommend about a thousand ways he could achieve that objective, but why should he listen to me? My account’s not verified.


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