
Why Democrats always win, even when Republicans are the majority

President Trump is making a mockery of CNN and the rest of the media. Funny stuff. They’re stuck on destroying his presidency and in the process disregarding proper journalism, good manners, and now are enlisting porn stars for help. Fox News is dominating cable news. Everyone there is brilliant and better looking. At the other stations everyone has low ratings with the exception of Racheal-One-Outfit at MSNBC and that’s because Sean Hannity is running a “bought and paid for” “Dossier” “Page” “Deep State” drinking game show and it’s getting nauseating. Aside from that everyone loves watching or listening to conservatives and few do the same with liberals because they’re communist/socialists who spew made-up social justice nonsense, and who wants to be bothered by that?

Hillary Clinton continues her blame-someone-for-her-loss tour in India and once again almost fell down the stairs. She broke another bone, this time her wrist “in the shower” since India has indoor plumbing now and is looking to land on the moon next. She will be having a fundraiser in New York (read here ) which is scheduled the same day in the same town as a fundraiser by the Democratic National Committee — also in New York. Stupid idea, what fools.

The DNC event will be a discussion on congressional election strategy at a law firm where there will be, what they call, a “follow up cash ask” since fundraisers at law firms are illegal or something and  “cash ask” is free speech. Hillary will siphon money from this “cash ask” with what she labels an “Onward Together Leadership Council” where if you give her $10,000 you’ll receive “updates, briefings and invitations …” and probably emails from dubious sources. It’s all criminal because she’ll make money while insulting half the country when she speaks. In the meantime, the DNC is getting more and more broke. It’s reported they have less than $10 million.

But what happens when you add it all up? Planned Parenthood gets hundreds of millions from the Republican-passed budget so they can ramp up the abortion and baby part outlet centers. Overall spending is still out of control. Obamacare is alive and well and a broke DNC will give chump change, if any, to candidates who will beat rich Republicans and take over the House of Representatives. Nancy Pelosi can’t utter a sentence while Paul Ryan speaks forthrightly, oh the youthful exuberance of that guy — Pelosi will be speaker of the House come November and we’ll all laugh when talk radio makes fun of her for repeatedly dropping the gavel.

Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?

Democrats are old, haggard, and rotten. Their media is made up of flim-flam men and women who are either dishonest or are fooled by dishonesty, but so what. Republicans can have the majority of government seats, TV shows, money, youth, humor, smarts; but Democrats win all the policy battles that come out of Washington without any of that. Why?

Because the right dominates in everything that doesn’t have anything to do with governing (i.e., markets) because that’s their thing. Television, radio, books; it’s all win, win, win. The left loses in markets but runs circles around Republicans in government and they don’t need a majority to do it because they love government and they’re good at it. The first team is playing against the second in each sphere and Democrats are winning in the most important one of all.

Dear Mr. Universe, you win.


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