White House denies Russia hacked election for Donald Trump
It would seem that the whole reason for Jill Stein’s recount in three states has just been undermined. On Saturday, the Washington Examiner reported that the Obama regime admitted that Russia did not hack the election and told the New York Times that the results “accurately reflects the will of the American people.”
According to the Examiner (Emphasis added):
That certification follows bipartisan questions about the validity of the electoral system before and after Election Day. But according to the White House, both sides are misguided.
Jill Stein is seeking recounts in Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania — blue states that President-elect Trump carried by thin red margins. The presidential nominee of the Green Party, Stein points to “very troubling news” about the cybersecurity of those state’s voting systems.
Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?
The Stein campaign is aggressively fundraising and has set a goal of $7 million to fund the recounts. But the administration insists that no foreign government meddled in American elections.
Wait, what?
Philip Wegmann added:
Rumors about Russian hacks reflect a greater strategy to undermine American institutions, the White House told the New York Times.
“The Kremlin probably expected that publicity surrounding the disclosures that followed the Russian government-directed compromises of emails from U.S. persons and institutions,” the administration said in a statement, “including from U.S. political organizations, would raise questions about the integrity of the election process that could have undermined the legitimacy of the president-elect.”
In other words, Moscow undoubtedly hoped that Clinton campaign emails released by WikiLeaks would make it seem like the digital strength of ballot boxes were jeopardized.
But it appears that’s not the case.
Clinton, by the way, conceded the election, having failed to secure the electoral votes needed to win.
Nevertheless, the Clinton campaign has joined with Stein in a long-shot attempt to steal the election from Trump.
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