
Washington State Supreme Court Allows Anti-Gun Initiative Back on the Nov Ballot

A Thurston County District Court Judge blocked the anti-gun initiative I-1639 from the Washington State ballot earlier this month. Now, according to the Seattle Times,  the Washington Supreme Court has overturned the ruling, placing it back on the ballot.

washington state

The original judge removed the measure because of a formatting issue and issued a “writ of mandamus” to the Secretary of State – the initiative did not have proper “strikethroughs”  or “underlines” to show how the law was being changed. It also had a font “so small” it couldn’t be read easily.

Now it’s back.

The State Supreme Court ruled,

This action was not properly brought under RCW 29A.72.240. The purpose of this statute is narrow; it does not allow for preelection judicial review of the form, process, substance, or
constitutionality of an initiative petition. The plain language of RCW 29A.72.240 limits the court to examining whether the petitions “contain the requisite number of signatures of legal voters.”…
Thus, the mandamus relief available under this statute is limited to enforcing the number-of-signature requirements and is not available where, as here, there is no actual challenge to the counting of signatures.

In other words, the Washington State Supreme Court ruled that it was “improper” to stop the Initiative because it had the required number of signatures (over 378,000). The state law doesn’t allow for a judicial review at this juncture in the process.


I-1639 is more than just moving the gun purchase age to 21. It also requires enhanced background checks, waiting periods, and training in order to purchase semi-automatic weapons. The initiative mandates making the guns secure at home and punishes the firearms owner if a person obtains it who is not supposed to have it.

The Initiative has been heavily backed by anti-gun groups such as Everytown for Gun Safety, and The Alliance for Gun Responsibility.

With this development, those who live in Washington State need to make sure they get out the vote in November!

H/T Uncle Sam’s Misguided Children


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Faye Higbee

Faye Higbee is the columnist manager for Uncle Sam's Misguided Children. She has been writing at Conservative Firing Line since 2013 as well. She is also a published author.

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