
Walnut Creek Nordstrom’s Looted by 50-80 People

In an obviously organized action, 50 to 80 people (armed with crowbars and other weapons) looted the Nordstrom’s Store in Walnut Creek, California. Many of the suspects were wearing ski masks. The looting spree occured at around 8:46 p.m. on Saturday while the store was still open. Some employees were kicked and punched, and at least one was pepper-sprayed. With just 3 arrests, police recovered one firearm. Most of the culprits got away.

Then there was the Louis Vuitton Store in San Francisco’s Union Square the night before (Friday).

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“We probably saw 50 to 80 people in ski masks crowbars a bunch of weapons,” local PF Chang’s manager Brett Barrette told KGO-TV, referring to Saturday night’s incident in Walnut Creek, located in the San Francisco Bay Area. “They were looting the Nordstrom’s right here. And I thought they were going to start beating cars. I had to start locking doors lock the front door lock the back door.”

Describing the looters as a “mob of people,” Barrette told CBS San Francisco that “police were flying in. It was like a scene out of a movie. It was insane.”

Walnut Creek Lt. Ryan Hibbs told KPIX 5, confirming the incident, that dozens of police cars responded to the chaos. Hibbs, citing reports of smashed shelves, noted that the looters were seen getting into vehicles grabbing bags and boxes of items.

The Epoch Times

California has basically said they are not prosecuting shoplifting under a certain amount. That fact, coupled with the no bail policy means the three that were arrested are probably already free and planning their next excursion.

Is this related to the Rittenhouse verdict? Likely. Last year coordinated gangs of looters hit several stores in California and across the nation around the time of the George Floyd riots. this year, store owners have been left with less merchandise to sell for the Christmas shopping season. And with supply chain issues and some items sitting on a ship in the ocean off the California coast, things look grim for the economy. As if they weren’t grim already.

H/T Uncle Sam’s Misguided Children


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Faye Higbee

Faye Higbee is the columnist manager for Uncle Sam's Misguided Children. She has been writing at Conservative Firing Line since 2013 as well. She is also a published author.

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