A WA state bill introduced by Democrats (we know) advocates for early release and free rent for juveniles who have killed two people. (?) If they kill three or more, they have to serve at least 20 years. (?)
The unhinged Democrat bleeding hearts in Washington State have constantly pushed through legislation that stymies gun ownership, or any other common-sense measure that Republicans have tried to pass. This WA State bill desires to make murder okay as long as the perpetrators only committed two. WTH?
“Washington Democrats are ready to vote on a bill that would release juvenile killers from jail early — so long as they didn’t kill more than two victims, the apparent threshold for Democratic sympathy — and then give them free rent to live in your neighborhood.
Senate Bill 5266-S2 modifies the state’s approach to juvenile sentencing and early release eligibility. Individuals convicted of crimes committed before their 18th birthday can petition the Indeterminate Sentence Review Board (ISRB) for early release upon reaching the age of 24, provided they meet specific criteria. Those convicted of three or more murder offenses must serve at least 20 years before petitioning…
If they’re granted release, the murderer or other serious felon would be provided rental vouchers courtesy of taxpayers. But the bill does not specify for how long rental vouchers could be offered, meaning they could be provided indefinitely.
The bill is based on the now-cliché argument about “brain development” not happening until a juvenile turns 24. Democrats pretend a juvenile doesn’t recognize it’s wrong to murder people until 24, though in Washington they say a 13-year-old can start to transition to a different gender without parental consent.” Jason Rantz, KTTH Radio, Seattle
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Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?
This WA State Bill is typical of West Coast Democrats. They wish to control every aspect of citizen’s lives yet work hard to destroy those lives by the kind of legislation they propose. Having a convicted murderer living rent free in YOUR neighborhood, on YOUR taxpayer dime is egregious. And in West coast states (WA, OR, CA) it’s hard to even legally defend yourself.
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