Video of the Day: Tucker Carlson Calls On Shifty Adam Schiff To Resign
On Friday, Fox News’ Tucker Carlson laid out the case against shifty lying Comrade Adam Schiff and called on him to resign from office.
“Adam Schiff is a sociopath. He will do or say anything to achieve power. He is unfit to hold office. He should resign. And not just Adam Schiff. The entire apparatus of official Washington has been exposed by these transcripts, as well as by the documents just released in the Michael Flynn case,” he said after recounting the number of times Schiff lied during interviews with liberal propagandists.
Here’s video:
Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?
Carlson also noted Schiff’s public comments:
“So there’s clear evidence on the issue of collusion and this adds to that body of evidence.”
“There’s ample evidence of collusion in plain sight and that is true.”
“You can see evidence in plain sight on the issue of collusion. Pretty compelling evidence.”
“And there is significant evidence of collusion.”
“This is ample evidence and indeed there is of collusion of people in the Trump campaign with the Russians.”
“I think there’s plenty of evidence of collusion or conspiracy.”
“All of this is evidence of collusion.”
“There is significant evidence of collusion between the campaign and Russia.”
He further noted:
In case you weren’t counting during that montage, Adam Schiff said “evidence” nine times in that clip. Every single time was a lie. If you were following this closely at the time, you might have suspected this. Schiff never produced any of this so-called evidence. He just asserted its existence.
After a while, we noticed. We confronted Schiff about it when he came on this show. He never answered our question. Instead, he accused us of treason. Here is part of our exchange:
CARLSON Look right into the camera and say, “I know for a fact the government of Vladimir Putin was behind the hacks of John Podesta’s email.”
SCHIFF: Absolutely, the government of Vladimir Putin was behind the hacks of our institution and the dumping of information –
CARLSON: Of John Podesta’s e-mail.
SCHIFF: Not only in the United States, but also in Europe –
CARLSON: OK, you’re not – you know what? You’re dodging.
SCHIFF: And Tucker you are –
CARLSON: Look and say, “I know they did John Podesta’s e-mail. They hacked this.”
SCHIFF: And I think that Ronald Reagan would be rolling over his grave.
CARLSON: You can’t – Ronald Reagan.
SCHIFF: You’re carrying water for the Kremlin –
CARLSON: I am not carrying water for – you’re making – look, you’re a sitting member of Congress on the Intel Committee …
SCHIFF: Would you — and the president-elect …
CARLSON: … on the Intel Committee and you can’t say they hacked –
SCHIFF: You’re going to have to move your show to Russian television.
Tucker is right. Schiff needs to resign. But that’s frankly not enough. We now know that this was part of a deliberate effort to remove Trump from office illegally. In my book, that makes it a coup d’etat. And those involved were part of a seditious conspiracy.
As I opened last October, those involved — including Schiff — need to face formal charges of seditious conspiracy.
Of course, we know that will never happen.
- Video of the Day: Trump Says Shifty Comrade Schiff Has ‘Nine-Inch Neck,’ Should Be In Jail
- BIDEN IN ON FLYNN: What Did The Former Vice President Know And When Did He Know It?
- Sean Hannity Warns ‘Panicked’ Shifty Adam Schiff Over ‘Possible Crimes’ (Video)
- Former Navy SEAL Craig ‘Sawman’ Sawyer warns of ‘gruesome massacre’ if Trump removed from office
- Opinion: Radical Democrats, allies deliberately pushing America to brink of second bloody civil war
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