Video of the Day: Kamala Harris tells fake news CNN Trump should be suspended from Twitter

While appearing on fake news CNN on Monday, Democrat White House hopeful Kamala Harris bemoaned the fact that President Trump is defending himself on Twitter and demanded that he be suspended from the platform to keep him from communicating with the millions of Americans who support him.
“Frankly, when you look at what he’s been tweeting today, directed at the whistleblower, directed at so many people, I frankly, think that based on this and all we’ve seen him do before, including attacking members of Congress that frankly his Twitter account should be suspended,” she said.
“I think there’s plenty of now evidence to suggest that he is irresponsible with his words in a way that could result in harm to other people. And so the privilege of using those words in that way should probably be taken from him,” she added.
“So what we see continuously, including in the last 24-hours, is a use of his words, Donald Trump using his words in a way that could subject someone to harm. And if he’s not going to exercise self-restraint, then, perhaps, there should be other mechanisms in place to make sure that his words do not in fact harm anyone,” Harris said.
Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?
Translation: To HELL with Trump’s First Amendment rights.
Here’s video, which is chock full of falsehoods and fake news (This IS CNN, after all…):
- Embarrassing: Devin Nunes Calls Adam Schiff Out For Seeking Nude Photos of Trump — Video
- GOP Rep. Andy Biggs Introduces Motion To Censure Adam Schiff
- Video: Dem Rep. Adam Schiff makes up fictional dialogue in Trump call
- Former Navy SEAL Craig ‘Sawman’ Sawyer warns of ‘gruesome massacre’ if Trump removed from office
- Video: Adam Schiff colluded with Russians to get naked photos of Donald Trump
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