
Video of the Day: Barney Frank claims Trump ‘accessory to murder’ of Ukrainians by Russians

It seems the left is getting even more deranged in its absolute blind seething hatred of Donald Trump.  While appearing on Friday’s edition of HBO’s “Real Time with Bill Maher,” former Massachusetts Congressman Barney Frank claimed that Trump is an “accessory” to the murder of Ukrainians by the Russians.

Here’s video, courtesy of Newsbusters:

And a partial transcript, as provided by Tim Graham:

Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?

BARNEY FRANK:  What he has done — let me put it this way. Some of the stuff that they were talking about impeaching him for before, trying to cover up, that he paid to cover up his sex with Stormy Daniels, or being rude to James Comey, which almost everybody wants to be. I always got the feeling it was like trying Al Capone for tax evasion.

But now we’ve got him for extortion and being an accessory, I believe, to murder. I mean, let’s be clear. Murder by the Russians of Ukrainians. We forget what the context is. The Russians, his friend Putin, are invading a peaceful, democratic country. Congress voted to give weapons to that country to defend itself against an attack. He was withholding those until he got threatened even by Lindsey Graham, that was too much even for him. But what he was saying basically to, uh — he was delaying the self-defense weapons that Ukraine needed.

But, Graham said, even fake news CNN had to admit that Trump has provided a lot more useful aid to the Ukrainians than Obama did:

Trump appears to be echoing a critique leveled at the Obama administration by the late Republican Sen. John McCain. “The Ukrainians are being slaughtered and we’re sending blankets and meals,” McCain said in 2015. “Blankets don’t do well against Russian tanks.”

While it never provided lethal aid, many of the items that the Obama administration did provide were seen as critical to Ukraine’s military. Part of the $250 million assistance package that the Trump administration announced (then froze and later unfroze) included many of the same items that were provided under Obama, including medical equipment, night vision gear and counter-artillery radar.

The Trump administration did approve the provision of arms to Ukraine, including sniper rifles, rocket launchers and Javelin anti-tank missiles, something long sought by Kiev.

Apparently, Frank never got the memo.  Either that, or he simply doesn’t give a hoot about reality.


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