
Video of the Day: Liberal hatemonger demands Ted Cruz take DNA test ‘to prove that you’re human’

In a video posted to YouTube on Wednesday, a leftist identified as Tammy Talpas approached Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, and demanded that he take a DNA test to prove that he’s a human being.  Cruz responded with his trademark grace.

Here’s the exchange, according to a transcript posted by Talpas:

ME: My leg is shaking. I just want to read what I want to ask. I’m a woman over 50, who (as of February 7th) has seven active pre-existing conditions. I’m not counting being female, and a survivor of abuse. I purchase my individual policy on the Health Insurance Exchange. If you force me into a high-risk pool, you will either bankrupt me or kill me. I take your threats of medical aggression personally and seriously; and I can assure you, I’m not the only Texan who d… who does. My question is: Will you pledge to submit to a DNA test, to prove that you’re human?

TED CRUZ: Well, Ma’am, thank you for that. One of the great things about our democratic system is that we can treat each other with respect and civility.

ME: Is that a yes or a no?

TED CRUZ: Ma’am, if you want to engage in insults, that’s your prerogative…

ME: No.

TED CRUZ: But I’m not going to reciprocate.

ME: It’s a yes-or-no question.

TED CRUZ: Thank you for being here, Ma’am.

ME: It’s a yes-or-no question.

TED CRUZ: Thank you for being here.

Here’s the video:

The Daily Wire informs us that she states on her blog:  “The GOP is not a legit political party. It’s just an overfunded hate cult.”

Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?

This, by the way, is the modern left.


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