
Trump Visits Detroit; Gets Compliment That Blows Up Left’s Favorite Narrative (Video)

Joe tells voters they're 'not black' if they don't vote Biden, while Trump actually meets with them

Devastatingly successful campaigning like THIS is why Team Biden was so desperate to keep Trump pinned down in an icebox courtroom for weeks at a shot.

Trump is doing what earlier Republicans never dared to do… he’s going to blue strongholds and making a play for their vote.

Republicans in the past either assumed the cost/benefit of showing up in Blue strongholds wasn’t worth it, or they feared the withering PR that a brutal soundbite or image might whip up.

So they played it safe and avoided hostile audiences.

Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?

Things are changing. Examples like Scott Pressler and Vivek Ramaswamy wade into the heart of the most hostile audiences with every intention of winning (at least some of) them over with persuasive arguments delivered with winsome smiles.

But at the top of that heap is Donald ‘What the hell do you have to lose’ Trump.

His appearance in Michigan in 2016 made a splash. He walked into a jeering crowd of Libertarians, and left with a substantial number of them won over to his side, and now that he’s not sitting in the icebox Bragg and Merchan had him cooling his heels in, Trump is free to campaign again.

Joe and his allies are spending time hobnobbing with Hollywood gazillionaires and bragging about all the money he’s bringing in. (Even if Biden seemed to have locked up again and needed help from Obama to lead him off the stage when it’s time to go.)

That visit only underscored just how out-of-touch the Democrats are with the voting base they have been taking for granted.

During the discussion, 180 Church Pastor Lorenzo Sewell told Trump that he was “humbled” by the former president’s visit.
“President Obama never came to the ’hood, so-to-speak, right? President Joe Biden, he went to the big NAACP dinner, but he never came to the ’hood. So thank you,” Sewell said, eliciting applause from the audience.
Later Saturday, Trump appeared at the “People’s Convention” of Turning Point Action.
Fox News Digital has reached out to the Biden campaign for a response to Sewell’s remarks.
Sewell told “Fox & Friends First” on Friday that he couldn’t remember the last time a president laid out a plan for the Black community until Trump created the Platinum Plan, which included approximately $500 billion for Black businesses and churches. — NYPOst

Cross-posted with Clash Daily


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