Trump Did It Again — Grab Some Popcorn And Your Favorite Beverage
Trump did it again. Remember in the year 2000 when Bush vs. Gore was a disputed election? Guess who was on Bush’s legal defense team? Current Chief Justice John Roberts, Justices Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett.
Sound familiar? That’s because they’re all now Supreme Court Justices, two of which were picked by Trump.
Do you ‘get it’ yet? This is multi-dimensional chess years in the making. Trump knew this would be a contested election, and he picked the Bush lawyers as Supreme Court Judges each chance he got. After all, they did get Bush the presidency.
How the heck does he do it? How does he play 4D chess years in advance? Is he a time traveler?
Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?
This whole time, liberals have been playing Go Fish on a chess board.
That’s because they’re too stupid to think beyond their noses, and it is why their plan for a coup will fail.
It will SUCK to be a Democrat in the coming weeks. We are about to witness the utter destruction of the American democrat party and you have a front row seat to watch it.
Grab some popcorn and your favorite beverage. President Trump is providing you with entertainment all the while he is destroying the most corrupt political party in American history.
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- Philadelphia Registered Democrat Observer: “This Is Coup Against The President Of The United States Of America” (Video)
- Backlash Against Fox: Network Cancels Judge Jeanine Pirro After Learning She Planned To Cover Election Fraud
- Giuliani: Former World Heavyweight Champion Joe Frazier Voted In Philly Despite Being Dead (Video)
- Backlash Against Fox: Network Cancels Judge Jeanine Pirro After Learning She Planned To Cover Election Fraud
- The ‘Wizard of Oz’ at FOX News Revealed: Arnon Mishkin, Democrat Operative aka ‘The Data Guy’, at the Election Desk Called Arizona – Why Did He Jump the Gun? [VIDEO EVIDENCE]
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