
Toy Gun Puts Three Colleges Into Lockdown

In Davie, Florida there are some color-blind people. I say that because on October 3, one of them panicked when she saw a toy gun and called the police, according to the Miami Herald. As police activity ramped up, three local colleges went into lockdown “as a precaution.”

The lockdown lasted 3 hours, and involved numerous police personnel. They finally located the “suspect” as he was walking along a street far away from the campus. He was carrying a black umbrella and a toy shotgun that was yellow, orange, and green.

The original reporting party said he “pointed the gun” at her. The woman must have been completely color blind – it’s yellow, orange, and green. Have you EVER heard of a real gun in those ‘neon’ colors? Don’t worry, if gun manufacturers ever start making real ones in those particular colors, we’ll let you know.

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Police said that the man never pointed the gun at anyone. But  they confiscated his toy shotgun for “evidence.” The “suspect” is 60 years old, and police did not arrest him at the time, but said there will be an “investigation.”

Let’s see: Florida’s red flag laws are being abused so badly that they are issuing ERPOs – Extreme Risk Protection Orders – to children, one of whom was only 8 years old. Fox4 reported,

Florida’s new red flag law – created to protect the public from future mass shooters – has temporarily stripped gun rights from more than 2,500 people across the state, including at least 100 kids, an I-Team review found.

Now we have a 60 year old man carrying a completely harmless toy gun having it confiscated by Davie Police.

Where did common sense go? Did the Grinch snatch it along with Christmas?

H/T Uncle Sam’s Misguided Children


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Faye Higbee

Faye Higbee is the columnist manager for Uncle Sam's Misguided Children. She has been writing at Conservative Firing Line since 2013 as well. She is also a published author.

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