
‘Totalitarian And Unconstitutional’: #TamponTim Walz Ban On Christian Teachers Set To Hit Schools In Just Months

Gov. Tim Walz’s ban on faithful Christians from teaching in Minnesota’s public is set to hit the state’s schools in just months.

It also bans adherent Jews and Muslims.

And a report at the Federalist warns that he is “poised to make similar bigoted, totalitarian and unconstitutional policies” for the entire nation, “should he be elected vice president.”

The report from the publication’s executive editor, Joy Pullmann, explains the state has new teacher licensing rules that will take effect in July 2025, and they will “ban practicing Christians, Jews, and Muslims from teaching in public schools.”

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It’s because under the plans of the leftist governor, the state will demand that teacher license applicants “affirm transgenderism and race Marxism.”

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No license? No job for anyone to teach in the state’s public schools. Or private schools if they require that certification.

Specifically, the rules will demand: “The teacher fosters an environment that ensures student identities such as race/ethnicity, national origin, language, sex and gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, physical/developmental/emotional ability, socioeconomic class, and religious beliefs are historically and socially contextualized, affirmed, and incorporated into a learning environment where students are empowered to learn and contribute as their whole selves.”

Administrative law judges already have approved the anti-faith ideologies.

The report pointed out that universities also are impacted because they must now provide the anti-Christian training.

The state already was demanding that teachers, renewing licenses, demonstrate “cultural competency,” which includes evidence of “self-reflection and discussion” of the state’s new ideologies.

Doug Seaton, of the Upper Midwest Law Center, said some “Christian” universities will obey, and others will not, but will disobey “quietly,” to sue only when they are punished.

The report pointed out, “Faithful members of the world’s largest and oldest religions cannot in good conscience ‘affirm’ non-heterosexual sexual orientations and gender identities. Christians who do so publicly deny their faith, something Jesus Christ said endangers a person’s soul and eternal bliss after death: ‘Therefore whoever confesses Me before men, him I will also confess before My Father who is in heaven. But whoever denies Me before men, him I will also deny before My Father who is in heaven’ (Matthew 10:32, 33).”

The state action actually is called “compelled speech,” the report noted, which “is clearly unconstitutional.”

Seaton said, “They’re essentially requiring people to affirm these ideas that they don’t really believe, in many cases, as a condition of being a public school teacher or being part of a program to be a licensed public school teacher. You can’t force that kind of speech, you can’t require adherence to ideas that aren’t believed.”

The Federalist report noted an investigation by the Wall Street Journal found that “ethnic studies” demands in Minnesota “mirror” the demands for affirming sexual deviations.

For example, the report said, “Fourth-graders must ‘identify the processes and impacts of colonization and examine how discrimination and the oppression of various racial and ethnic groups have produced resistance movements.’ High-school students are told to ‘develop an analysis of racial capitalism’ and ‘anti-blackness’ and are taught to view themselves as members of ‘racialized hierarchies’ based on ‘dominant European beauty standards.’”

A Child Protection League analysis notes the state demands teachers “understand” that teaching is shaped by race and ethnicity, to the detriment of some “races,” and that those include indigenous people, blacks, “Latinx Americans” and others.

A state lawmaker earlier condemned the “horrific chaos” Walz has brought to schools by demanding that districts “report student discipline by race and require equal outcomes.”

The results could be predicted: the student achievement in the state is plummeting.

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This article was originally published by the WND News Center.


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