
‘This Is A Bomb’: CNN Says Michael Cohen Admission Of Robbing Trump Creates ‘Reasonable Doubt’ (Video)

'He was lying to people about what he was doing with money'

By Jason Cohen
Daily Caller News Foundation

A CNN panel on Monday said that Michael Cohen’s acknowledgement of stealing funds from the Trump Organization must establish “reasonable doubt” for the jury in former President Donald Trump’s trial.

Cohen admitted during Monday testimony that he stole from the Trump Organization when under cross examination by defense attorney Todd Blanche, according to multiple reports. A CNN panel, including attorneys, said the admission could significantly damage Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s case and lead to the jury reaching a not guilty verdict for the former president.


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“This is a bomb, this is really important. This is a bomb dropped in the middle of the prosecution’s case,” CNN legal analyst Elie Honig said. “Two reasons. One, Michael Cohen was stealing from Donald Trump. He was lying to people about what he was doing with money, he pocketed at least the $30,000 by lying to Weisselberg … $60,000, which by the way, this is crushing to the prosecution’s credibility because the prosecution did not ask Michael Cohen about that on direct and they haven‘t made him plead guilty to larceny, which this is, so let‘s start with that.”

“The other reason it’s so important is the money that Michael Cohen stole from under Donald Trump’s nose by his own admission, was part of the $420,000 that Michael Cohen was reimbursed for Stormy Daniels,” Honig continued. “So the heart of the prosecution’s case is, that whole setup where they were going to repay Michael Cohen $420,000 to reimburse him for Stormy Daniels. That was all done to pay Stormy Daniels. Trump knew it. Trump knew every penny. That’s why he‘s guilty. Now it turns out Trump is getting robbed by his own guy.”

Cohen testified that he and Trump Organization CFO Allen Weisselberg met with the former president in his office just before his inauguration in January 2017. Cohen said during the meeting that Trump approved of the payments where his former attorney would receive a total of $420,000 over 12 months.

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“I want to refocus everyone on what the government has to prove and why this is such a bombshell as we’ve been talking about,” CNN legal analyst Lauren Coates said. “They have to prove that there was an intent to defraud … Here is the biggest part of this. If you are the defendant in this case, this is what they have to prove. You made and caused a false entry in the business records. If Michael Cohen was the one to falsify the number of documents there, that he was not aware of what he was actually spending or what he was actually paying, well, then you’ve got an issue. Remember this is all coming down to 11 checks to Cohen, 11 invoices submitted by Cohen and then 12 entries in Trump’s ledger.”

Honig said it was “prosecutorial malpractice” and a “failure” by Bragg’s team to not bring up Cohen’s theft on direct examination.

“If you’re a juror even if you think well, I think he probably knew what he was paying for Michael Cohen, there has to be reasonable doubt now because I mean, Michael Cohen has given them this huge gift,” host Jake Tapper said.

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The post ‘This is a bomb’: CNN says Michael Cohen admission of robbing Trump creates ‘reasonable doubt’ appeared first on WND.

This article was originally published by the WND News Center.


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