
The ‘Normalization’ of Pedophilia – The Last Link In The “Gay Mafia’s” (Fascist-Left’s) Chain of National Destruction. Epstein, NXIVM, Scouts & More!

AMONG the cacophony of incessant alarm bells blaring within the American landscape – deliberately amped-up ala the nation’s self-appointed elitists – it is near impossible to think straight. Truth dare be told, America is on the brink of a (second) civil war; a hair-trigger away, too. As such, sowing discord and division is key and core. By inciting to racial warfare via identity (protected-class) politics, their ultimate goal, that is, the collapse of America as a Constitutional Republic, is within sight. Know that the (former) “RacialistinChief ” had eight years to stoke the flames, and it is now reaching its inevitable incendiary climax. Yes, he did.

IN this regard, connecting the dots – layers upon layers of contributory factors –  to the disintegration has never been more acute. But like snakes are wont to do,  their trigger points and minefields are purposefully kept off the radar – by those in positions of power whose agenda is the anti-thesis to the underpinnings of America, Western Civilization’s Judeo-Christian roots. As such, the moment of critical mass is, almost, upon the nation. Incontestably, after decades of stirring the national pot, the aforementioned landscape is reaching a fateful juncture.

ONCE again, said national destruction has been ongoing for decades and by design. Know this: it is always aimed at the same targets – via directional markers leading to the hearts and minds of the kiddies! Alas, in order to ‘transform’ the nation into a non-free (i.e., compliant) society, the traditional family, its main edifice, must be deconstructed. Destroyed. In tandem, (subliminal) educational brainwashing through the infiltration and penetration of constructs from socialism, Marxism, and communism must be taught. Imbibed. And herein lies the crux. The insidious danger(s).

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IN UNDERMINING a nation such as the United Statesthe infiltration of the educational process is of prime importance. The Communists have accordingly made the invasion of schools and colleges one of the major considerations in their psychological warfare designed to control the American mind. By such “cultural” work, the Soviet fifth column obtains an influence, directly or indirectly, over at least a portion of American youth. Some of the young men entering our armed forces, and some of the young women who must support them, are brought within the orbit of pro-Communist thinking, to the detriment of our national security. Future community leaders are also affected. Many by-products beneficial to the conspiracy arise from this infiltration, since concealed Communists in education or their friends become sponsors of Communist fronts, aid in financing Communist causes, and sometimes play a part in influencing the attitudes of certain scientists, specific church circles, and government agencies.

As early as 1924, in lectures delivered at the Sverdlov University in Moscow, Stalin specified “cultural and educational organizations” as valuable allies in the Communist battle for world dictatorship. These Stalin lectures are now the famous Foundations of Leninism, published and studied widely by the Communists. It was in 1933, however, that extensive infiltration began in the schools and colleges of this country-encouraged by American recognition of Soviet Russia, and stimulated by the Open Letter to the Party. The Trojan horse policy of the People’s Front, which had been initiated at the Seventh World Congress of the Communist International in 1935, gave added impetus to this activity. By May, 1937, the conspiracy considered that enough progress had been made in the schools and colleges to justify a special article of directives in that month’s issue of The Communist, then the official theoretical organ of the Party. This article, “The Schools and the People’s Front,” laid it down as a necessity that “Marxist-Leninist analysis must be injected into every class.” In order that this might be accomplished successfully, “the Party must take careful steps to see that all teacher comrades are given thorough education in the teachings of Marxism-Leninism.” It was stressed that “Communist teachers are faced with a tremendous social responsibility.” They must affect the children’s thinking, and they must mobilize other teachers. But all of this was to be done from the work in the classroom to the agitation among other teachers—“without exposing themselves.” (Italics mine).

This is the instruction which runs through all directives to the infiltrators of our schools and colleges: they must exercise their Communist influence without exposing themselves.” In this very article of May, 1937, an added precaution is given “Only when teachers have really mastered Marxism-Leninism will they be able to inject it into their teaching at the least risk of exposure.” 

The article by John Williamson in the November, 1950, issue of Political Affairs, dealing with general infiltration but referring specifically to trade union work, makes much of the same necessity. The Red infiltrators are there counseled to perform their task in such a way as not to be “exposed” and dislodged from their positions.

This method must be thoroughly understood. If it is not constantly kept in mind, the Red techniques of entering education and influencing its course will be completely missed. Those who contend that Communists should be permitted to teach in our schools “as long as they do not teach Communism openly in the classroom” have not acquainted themselves with the ABC of Red infiltration. And yet, the late Senator Robert A. Taft of Ohio, who represented a considerable section of conservative opinion, has made this grave error. 

In the classroom, the Communist teacher or professor very rarely, if ever, teaches Marxism-Leninism openly. There are hundreds of indirect ways of reaching the same end. Books by Howard Fast, the author who has refused to state whether or not he would fight against Communists if drafted, are proposed as suggested or recommended readings. The works and statements of many other “authorities” who invariably take a pro-Soviet position, such as Professor Frederick LSchuman of Williams College, can be freely used. The Red instructor has many other “non-Communist” sources to draw on-those leading figures in public life who always follow the Communist line and whom Stalin has designated as the “reserves” the conspiracy should call upon. An entire syllabus which would inevitably lead a student either to embrace Marxism-Leninism or to be sympathetic to the Communist line, can be drawn up without one notably or openly Stalinite reference in it.

Building on that foundation, the Communist teacher or professor notes the pupil or student most susceptible to pro-Red ideas. This student is cultivated privately, with a view to drawing him toward the conspiracy. In like manner, colleagues on the faculty who indicate sympathy for pro-Communist ideas are influenced by personal association to join the Communist Party. The influence of the teacher who is committed to Marxism-Leninism goes far beyond these contact into parentteachers associations (often working behind the scenes with Communists in those groups), in the preparation of books, the presentation of lectures, the voicing of opinions, the raising of finances for the conspiracy. 

Anyone who doubts the widespread character of Communist infiltration into education needs only to consult the Congressional investigations over the years. Specifically, the report of the House Committee on Un-American Activities of April 1, 1951, is most helpful. Entitled The Communist “Peace” Offensive: The Attempt to Disarm, and Defeat America, it cites scores of educators who have aided the Kremlin’s peace partisans. Many of these have been sponsors or members of Communist fronts on a great number of occasions. Robert Morss Lovett, long with the University of Chicago and former American Governor of the Virgin Islands, is there cited as being a member of at least eighty-five Communist fronts. Dr. Harry F. Ward, Professor Emeritus of Christian Ethics at Union Theological Seminary, is reported to be a member of sixty Communist fronts. The late Dr. Walter Rautenstrauch, well-known professor of engineering at Columbia University, is reported to be affiliated with fifty Communist fronts. Dr. Henry Pratt Fairchild of New York University has been associated with forty of such organizations; Colston E. Warne of Amherst and Frederick L. Schuman of Williams College, with thirty, and that is the record also of Dr. Robert S. Lynd of Columbia. 

Each student should examine this report carefully, since it gives an indication of the scale on which the peace partisans (so valuable to the Kremlin) have penetrated our educational institutions. Dr. J. B. Matthews, after careful examination of the records, declares that since 1935 “the Communist Party has enlisted the support of at least thirtyfive hundred professors—many of them as dues paying members, many others as fellow travelers, some as out-and-out espionage agents, some as adherents of the Party line in varying degrees, and some as the unwitting dupes of subversion.” (American Mercury, May, 1953, Communism and the Colleges,” by J. B. Matthews.)……continue reading their subversive swathe through America’s schools here

TO wit, it is not for nothing that this site is rife with evidence of the same via a centerpiece expose’: “The Left’s Deconstruction of AmericaCapturing The Hearts & Minds of The Kiddies – A Catastrophic Conservative Failure.”

EVEN so, regardless of all the heavy-lifting already done at this site (mis)educationwise, there is lots more work to be done – if saving the kiddies, the future of the nation, remains a top priority!

RESULTANT, it must be understood and internalized: the “Gay Mafia” (marching in lock-step with the fascist-left, decade after decade) has acquired win after win. Victory after victory. In a pincer-like vise, their activists (with major assists from every power center) control many of the key levers – some of which have been exposed and explored here.

BUT there’s more. Much worse. So, buckle up. Hang on tight. Click on the links, too.

As if it wasn’t bad enough that this mentally unstable individual is being allowed to indoctrinate young children, with the blessing of the American Library Association, Pontiff has come out and expressed his true intentions. “I’m here to let you know that this event is something that’s going to be very beautiful and for the children and the people that supported are going to realize that this is going to be the grooming of the next generation.” Pontiff has been quoted as saying…..

DEAR reader, is it any wonder that more and more youngsters are supremely confused and suicidal? Shamelessly, they are cheered on and exploited by those whose sexual deviance know no bounds, and whose ultimate goal is to destroy the nation! A double and heinous crime.

TO reiterate, even though the kiddie indoctrination is near complete (again, on two corresponding fronts), the real power players from the fascist, totalitarian left understand that the ‘normalization’ of pedophilia – the last link in the “Gay Mafia’s” chain – must take root, that is, in order for America’s final collapse to come to fruition.

ALL the more so, it is not for nothing that millions upon millions (who are not infected with the “Gay Mafia’s” insidious poisons) watch on in horror – as the evils embedded inside Jeffrey Epstein’s pedophilia/sex trafficking syndicate are unraveling. Not only that, the very same crimes, as well as (some of) the very same players, overlap within NXIVM; a cult-like, pedophilia/sex trafficking entity, too. How can this be? Mind you, it is not accidental, nor is it incidental, that many of those who control the levers of power – elected and non-elected elitists – engage in pedophilia and support the “Gay Mafia’s” perverse crimes. 

AS an aside, let’s digress for a moment. The most influential person in this writer’s life, Irene Silverman Dzikansky, of blessed memory, used to say: “while America serves as a great blessing in its capacity as a liberal democracy, it must be careful not to become too liberal, whereby the brains of its citizens are in danger of falling out!!” In other words, decades ago, she warned: a society which sets no limits or boundaries (no pun intended), is a society ripe for disintegration. Truer words never spoken. Thanks, mom, for teaching and imparting said pearls of wisdom.

INEXTRICABLY, by internalizing what is really going down with the most powerful people in America, their end-game becomes clarified, as well as one’s preparation thereof, alike.  

MOST significantly, to save the kiddies IS to save the nation. In so doing, arm yourselves for the battle to come, whatever that entails.




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