
The ‘Gay Mafia’ & Its Intersection With PLANNED PARENTHOOD, Academia & Hollywood: What’s Going Down?

TRAGICALLY, vis-à-vis the kiddies, reporting on the ‘Gay Mafia’ is a never-ending task. Wherever one turns, another immoral, highly life-altering, and illegal grab is lurking in their direction. What the hell is going on?

AND whereas this incendiary topic has many horrendous layers – some of which are open, while others remain hidden – it is incumbent to take a look-back at the volume of accumulated evidence. Ugh, the trails are beyond disturbing and revolting, however, they are mandatory due diligence.


  • As such, it is within the most recent (8/9/19) trail, “The ‘Normalization’ of Pedophilia – The Last Link In The ‘Gay Mafia’s’ Chain of National Destruction: Epstein, NXIVM, Scouts & More, that the full scope of the fascist-left’s thrust towards the kiddies is laid bare. As horrifying as it is, it must be internalized that the endgame (laid out by top brokers within the most powerful epicenters) is a purposeful knock-out blow to familial and societal norms of western civilization – with the U.S. slated in the forefront of said destruction. Incontestably. Without said understanding, it is impossible to beat back – on any level – against this well-oiled scourge!

SO it is along this twisted, relentless, and frightening path that added heft and meat must be absorbed. Sorry for that. 

  • In this respect, those who recognize what’s going down, as well as what is at stake, won’t be surprised by the primary part played by Planned Parenthood – an organization which masquerades as a woman’s go-to place for family planning and the like, yet, it is little of the sort. It is both an abortion mill and a financial cash cow, one dependent on the other – all of which necessitates a continuous flow of victims of infanticide. Evil, on its face. It is within said paradigm that Planned Parenthood’s breathless disdain for human life veers into sharp focus, and, with it, its treacherous putsch towards the kiddies via the ‘Gay Mafia’s’ ‘educational’ agenda. Alas, first things first.
  • Planned Parenthood Exec Makes Major Admission About Baby Body Part Harvesting!

INDEED, straight from the horse’s mouth….the devil incarnate, too. Do pay heed to the senior exec ala her smug and sly answers to the undercover reporter. A she-devil. Still, she is hardly a solo operator.

IN this regard, it’s not surprising that a so-called agency which advocates for women’s health –  which happens to facilitate and promote infanticide – has jumped into bed with (mis)educators who are full-throttle aligned with everything from kiddie sex, gender ‘fluidity’, and everything on the wish list of the ‘Gay Mafia’! 

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Minnesota parents and families, who oppose state-mandated comprehensive sex ed (CSE) pushed by Planned Parenthood and LGBT activist groups, are planning to rally to protect their children.

Child Protection League (CPL) Action will hold its “Protect Kids Rally” on Sunday, September 22 on the steps of the state capitol in St. Paul.

CPL Action states that, in April, a majority of Minnesota House lawmakers voted to mandate that every Pre-K-12 traditional public and charter school teach comprehensive sex ed.

“Democrats said the legislation focused on teaching ‘harassment’ and ‘consent,’” CPL Action continues. “But the curriculum includes pornographic images and unscientific ideas about gender, and it trivializes or even encourages high-risk and abusive sexual behavior.”

The group points to a book titled It’s Perfectly Normalrecommended by Planned Parenthood and intended for fourth graders, which describes “sexual intercourse” as “having sex” that “can involve the penis and the vagina, or the mouth and the genitals, or the penis and the anus.”

“[T]he book seems to encourage anal sex, and conflates this act with other types of sexual activity that carry a far-lower risk of injury and sexually transmitted infection,” CPL states.

In a video posted to Facebook in April, Rep. Eric Lucero (R) described the book to fellow state House lawmakers.

“I shared disgusting content from the book It’s Perfectly Normal and the Democrat agenda to sexualize the minds of our young children including Planned Parenthood’s goal of curriculum for elementary schools,” Lucero wrote.

According to CPL, when state Rep. Jim Davnie (D) insisted “Planned Parenthood is not in this bill,” state Rep. Peggy Scott (R) gave the response in this video clip:

Scott stated:

I think it’s essential that members of the public, that parents and taxpayers, know that the sex education curriculum in this bill was written in part at least by Planned Parenthood. You can go to their website. They’re promoting this … and you can see some language that they think is important to have in sex ed curriculum and it’s verbatim what’s in this bill. So, members of the public need to understand that Planned Parenthood – a very controversial organization – is putting forth its agenda into our public schools. In fact, Planned Parenthood – they boast on their website about how they are already reaching “50,000 Minnesotans across the lifespan—including young people in elementary, middle, and high school, as well as parents and adults.”

Planned Parenthood Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota states on its website that the group is highly involved in sex ed in Minnesota, citing “trained educators throughout Minnesota provide sex education to youth and adults in their communities.”

“Planned Parenthood is the largest provider of comprehensive sex education in Minnesota,” Planned Parenthood says and adds:

Planned Parenthood reaches nearly 50,000 Minnesotans across the lifespan—including young people in elementary, middle, and high school, as well as parents and adults. Trained educators aim to serve the most vulnerable communities to help address health disparities and ensure everyone has access to quality sex education. Planned Parenthood’s comprehensive sex education programs encourage positive, affirming communication between parents and young people around sexuality to help them establish individual values and make healthy decisions.

U.S. Parents Involved in Education (USPIE), a national organization devoted to the return of local control of education, says in a statement that CSE “is a blatant intrusion into a traditional family domain and a dangerous assault on the health and innocence of children.”

“We urgently encourage parents to retake control of their children’s sex education,” the group asserts, adding the type of CSE programs that are mandated by some states are “rights-based” approaches that are politically influenced.

They entail “a great deal more than just teaching children and youth about anatomy and physiology, sexual intercourse, and human reproduction,” USPIE warns.

KNOW this: Planned Parenthood has its sights laser-focused on ‘kiddie-grooming’ – by inserting itself into sex ed programs throughout America’s public school system! You got that?

NOT only that, aside from all the evidentiary trails cited above and found within this site, several more are proof of the same. Hang on tight.


  • Dear reader, can you imagine opening up your kid’s (or grand kid’s) backpack, only to find an indoctrinating and grooming ‘love note‘ from the teacher, which reads, in part:

“… My pronouns are ‘they, them, their’ instead of ‘he, his, she, hers.’ I know it takes some practice for it to feel natural,” the letter reads, “but students catch on pretty quickly.”

The letter also asks that students use “Mx.,” (pronounced ‘Mix’) when addressing the teacher rather than Mr. or Ms.


IMAGINE that. 

  • But if the above doesn’t prove that the ‘Gay Mafia’ is all-in on capturing the student sector, think again. High School Assignment Forces Kids to Disclose Sexual Orientation, Reveals Massive Political Agenda! Pray tell, North Carolina’s school district supervisor must be asked: to what end?
  • Along this very same ominous trajectory, Maryland’s 2019-2020 ‘Gay Mafia’  instituted its own stringent guidelines – not in a directive towards more rigorous academic achievement, but in the catering of transgenders and ‘safe spaces’.      O M G!

Students in Montgomery County schools in Maryland will be subject to sweeping new policies that cater to transgenders on campus, including promoting a gender-neutral dress code; options for gender, name, and pronouns; and “safe spaces.” Continue reading about the new dictates here, if you dare.

CONSERVATIVE-leaning folks, ask yourselves: what about the rights of students (and parents) who do not bow to the ‘gods of transgenderism’ and all that it stands for? Indubitably, civil rights attorneys on the conservative spectrum can surely find multiple violations thereof.

  • To wit, it is not an exaggeration to state: queering of the schools is now in full bloom and swing, and with all the power centers fully on board! Ominously, they have overtaken and captured the kiddies – having operated on the ‘down-low’ for many years, with nary any push-back from right-leaning parents, that is, until now. The question becomes: is it too little, too late??

BUT just because Hollywood has been saved for last, don’t think, even for a nanosecond, that its putsch is of a lesser magnitude of evil. In reality, if not for their impact on redesigning cultural norms, the above would me DOA!

  • While many are aware of Hollywood’s insidious lack of any moral compass, who but the kiddies (some of whom are now grown up, recognizing, what’s what) can attest to their satanic ritual abuse of children – at least, those who lived to tell the tale!

Former child star exposes entertainment industry execs who sacrifice young actors

Former child star Macauley Culkin has blown the whistle on the entertainment industry elite to reveal that Hollywood studio executives are “blood-thirsty Satanists” who ritualistically “murder child actors.”  Read it for its full impact. Trust, it is a necessary truth serum to save the kiddies. Besides, it will move many to action like few others can!


Image result for pics of megan fox

LAST, but not least, let’s turn our eyes to the oh so beguiling Megan Fox – peeps, don’t be distracted by her comely looks. As is known, beauty is only skin deep. But for those who haven’t followed her abuse towards her six-year-old son – to cement her ‘WOKE’ and ‘virtue-signaling’ bonafides with fellow travelers in Hollyweird, regardless of her jibber-jabber – well, the following video is highly recommended.

NOW, a warning is issued before clicking it on. There are many ‘F-bombs’ within, but no matter. This investigative journalist is of the opinion that certain truths require this and that salty language, even if some are offended. Of course, everyone is free to click on – or not.

THE point being, in certain instances, one is called upon to step outside their comfort zone – this is one of those times. Oh, beforehand, don’t forget to pop the popcorn, grab a cool or hot drink (whatever floats your boat), and enjoy the (truth-telling and bomb-throwing) show!!

SIGNIFICANTLY and conclusively – though not one to mix apples and oranges – the ‘Gay Mafia’s’ reach is hardly a ‘Made in America’ scourge. Not at all. In fact, its tentacles swim across the pond and throughout the west. But if proof in the pudding is required, so be it.

NCCL REPORT: ‘WE CAN’T PROVE SEX WITH CHILDREN DOES THEM HARM’ – so sayeth Britain’s Labour-linked National Council for Civil Liberties!! Read it, but be prepared to ‘spit bullets’, so to speak. Yes, the mirror image of the fascist-left in America has entered the pedophilia fray!

{Did You Know? On April 23, 2019, a majority of State Representatives in the MN House voted to mandate (H.F. 1414) every Pre K-12 public/charter school to teach “Comprehensive” Sex Ed (CSE). CSE removes all natural and protective boundaries for children and teens, encouraging early sexual exploration in graphic detail.See More}

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