
The Fight for Religious Freedom

Contrary to what Mikey Weinstein tells you, the US Constitution guarantees “freedom OF religion” not freedom “from” religion. The fight for religious freedom has been heating up because of those who wish to retain their power over society. Without Judeo-Christian values, a society falls into decline. We are witnessing that very problem in America at this time.

Examples from California and Texas:

Fighting for churches

An attorney firm in California, Advocates for Faith and Freedom has battled the state for two years, after the County of Santa Clara imposed severe fines on Calvary Chapel San Jose’s Pastors for violating covid restrictions and refusal to shut their doors. They stood firm on the 1st Amendment as the fines built up and the county kept winning in court. On August 15, 2022, a California Appeals court nullified the case against the church and its pastors, citing that the county’s actions were unconstitutional. It was one small step to victory for the 1st amendment.

Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?

Unfortunately, it’s not over:

“However, the County of Santa Clara continues to persecute the church in seeking to enforce approximately $2.8 million in fines that it unilaterally levied against the church for defying the county health orders. This part of the case continues to be litigated in federal court.”

Robert Tyler, Advocates for Faith and Freedom

In God We Trust – the National Motto since 1956

In Texas, there is a move to try and bring the state back to allowing God in the schools. The “In God We Trust Act” – Senate Bill 797 passed the Texas legislature in 2021. It requires schools to display the national motto “In God We Trust” in a conspicuous place as long as the signs posted are created by private donation and no taxpayer money is used.

The left is throwing its usual fit over the law: they feel that signs with different messaging should also be allowed. It’s a typical move in attempts to water down or even stop any statements about God.

I feel like they don’t have a choice right now to put them up, but hopefully this will spark larger conversations about having more freedom of expression, so if they are allowed to put up signs like this there should be no reasons that other students or people can’t put up signs that have different messaging.

Anya Kushwaha, founder of the Southlake Anti-Racism Coalition (The Epoch Times)

The fight for religious freedom all over the world

As the constant fight for religious freedom progresses, remember that totalitarian governments have been trying to destroy it since the beginning of time. Recently, Cardinal Joseph Zen and 4 others were arrested by the Chinese Government in Hong Kong- his advanced age of 90 made his situation precarious. It signalled the probable end of religious freedom in that city. But they will never stamp it out completely. Will the US have to move to underground churches too? Quite likely.

Those who are against religious freedom, who want everything but Judeo-Christian values presented, need to remember one important thing: they have never been able to stamp out the relationship to God. They have tried since time began, but have never succeeded. In Communist China, the underground church still exists. During the Cold War, the Soviet Union had underground churches all over the region. The Romans tried to stamp it out and failed, ending their own reign in total decline. Texas legislators and attorneys in California are engaged in the fight for religious freedom. Are you?


H/T Uncle Sam’s Misguided Children


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Faye Higbee

Faye Higbee is the columnist manager for Uncle Sam's Misguided Children. She has been writing at Conservative Firing Line since 2013 as well. She is also a published author.

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