Tammy Bruce reveals Clinton campaign, other leftists behind violent anti-Trump riots
In an op-ed published Monday at the Washington Times, Tammy Bruce revealed who is behind many of the violent anti-Trump “protests.” Among those she named was the Clinton campaign, along with other far-left groups like MoveOn.org, SEIU and Black Lives Matter.
She wrote:
Then there’s Hillary’s direct connection to a ‘spontaneous’ anti-Trump protest. Writing about a veteran’s protest against Mr. Trump, the Daily Beast reported last month:
“It seemed like an outpouring of veteran anger against Donald Trump: over a dozen former service members protesting outside Trump Tower. But the reality was more complicated. The protest was actually a coordinated effort, led in part by the Hillary Clinton campaign… It only looked like a grassroots demonstration…”
Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?
At first everyone lied about the fact that it was Hillary astro-turf protestors, but then it all fell apart. “A spokesman for the demonstrators insisted they had no affiliation with any campaign. Later he said the protesters had reached out to the Clinton campaign for press contacts, but that’s all. Then the activist finally admitted that, yes, the Clinton campaign had helped organize the protest,” reported the Daily Beast.
Imagine that…
We all saw the results of the left’s organizing efforts last week when Trump supporters were beaten and brutalized by radical leftists in San Jose.
The left would have us all believe this is justified because of what Trump has said, and they would further have us believe this is all a spontaneous reaction to his statements.
But of course, it isn’t.
Now we have the Huffington Post advocating even more violence against Trump and his supporters.
Bruce adds:
This is what liberals have been doing since the ‘60s. They’ve done it here, in Europe and South America. The left always resorts to violence because they cannot win on the issues. The policies of Hillary and Bernie destroy lives and the only way to keep you in line, like a batterer, is to keep you too afraid to leave them. They hope you’ll be intimidated into surrendering, or at least will be distracted to not notice that they’ve already set the nation on fire.
But it’s already too late. The Democrats and their allies simply don’t understand trying to beat us into submission reaffirms our determination to end this charade.
Her entire piece is well worth reading…
Exit question: Where will this all end?
- Huffington Post advocates liberal violence against Trump, supporters
- Black Muslim chases, tackles white Trump supporter after San Jose rally, brags on Twitter
- ‘Free thinking’ Democrat: Woman pelted with eggs at Trump rally ‘got what she deserved’
- Liberalism: An ideology of rage and hate
- Twitter graphic advocates murdering Donald Trump, account suspended
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