
Stunning Poll: Over 100 Million Americans Expect Bloody Civil War Within 5 Years

A stunning new poll shows that more than 100 million Americans, 41% of the nation’s population, believe there could be another civil war in America within the next five years.

The Rasmussen Reports document on that foreboding expectation was released on Thursday.

It said “41% of Likely U.S. voters believe the United States is likely to experience a second civil war sometime in the next five years, including 16% who consider such a scenario Very Likely.”

Not even half, 49%, said they don’t think it’s likely.

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Rasmussen said, “Such discussions got a boost after the new movie ‘Civil War’ made its debut as No. 1 at the box office last month. Thirty-seven percent (37%) of voters believe another civil war is more likely to happen if President Joe Biden wins this year’s election, while 25% think another civil war is more likely if former President Donald Trump wins. Thirty percent (30%) say who wins this year’s election will not make much difference in the likelihood of a civil war.”

The survey of 1,105 U.S. Likely Voters was conducted on April 21-23, 2024 by Rasmussen Reports. The margin of sampling error is +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence.

The divide across America has exploded in the three years of Joe Biden’s presidency. While he campaigned on a promise to close the divide and bring Americans together he’s done exactly the opposite; spending wildly on social and environmental programs that are not supported by many Americans, pushing as top ideologies abortion and transgenderism, letting America’s influence around the globe wane, and constantly attacking Christians and Republicans as possible domestic terrorists. The result is an economy that’s decimating family budgets with inflation as well as near-daily revelations about his efforts to censor Americans and control what they know.

report at the Daily Mail called it a “shock survey.” And the report noted it comes “against a backdrop of mounting violence on U.S. college campuses, where pro-Palestine protestors clash with law enforcers, conservatives, some Jewish students and others.”

Rasmussen warned, “The possibility that America could face another civil war soon is not too far-fetched for a lot of voters.”

The report noted Louis Marinelli, founder of Yes California, which wants the Golden State’s coastal area to break away, warned about a coming conflict.

“The coming American civil war will be fought between the people of this country based on ideology,” he told the publication. “We have two diverging and incompatible sets of values in this country that can no longer coexist.”

At Off the Press was a comment: “Republican voters were more certain that Americans would take up arms against their countrymen than did Democrats.”

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This article was originally published by the WND News Center.


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