
SoCal Teens Replace Flag on a Mountaintop – Patriotism Isn’t Dead

A group of SoCal teens replaced a flag that had fallen on a mountain near Pico Canyon Park at Stevenson Ranch, California. That flag had been a landmark for many years. It was no easy feat, but it did prove that patriotism isn’t dead.

SoCal teens
Does this screenshot from Brandon Park remind you of anything?

Brandon Park told The Epoch Times that he grew up looking out his window to see the American flag on the Mountain at Stevenson Ranch every morning. One day it was gone. So he and some of his SoCal buddies decided to replace the flag. One of them, Andy Chaidez, climbed up first to check out the situation for the plan and broke his finger in the process.

But the friends persisted, fancying the idea akin to a military op, and set about formulating a plan.

“We’ve tried to just stick it back in the ground up several times, and that just wasn’t working,” Reid Twitchell, 18, told The Epoch Times. “So, we had to make a more permanent solution. And so what I came up with was, basically, to cement the flag up there.”

Grasping the scope of the effort, which would involve hauling 30 to 40 pounds of concrete and gallons of water to the summit, Twitchell enlisted a few friends.

Lugging all of the material would still prove quite difficult due to the steepness of the slope.

“When I hiked up there with Andy … it was just like free rock climbing,” said Twitchell. “There wasn’t really any ropes to grab on to. And so, I had to rock climb up there and set up ropes so that way it could be easy to climb up.”

After prepping the ropes, the friends planned to set out around midday, reach the summit, erect the flag, and climb down before dark set in.

The Epoch Times

SoCal teens
Screenshot via Brandon Park photo

”The best laid plans…”

The SoCal teens soon learned that not everything goes according to plan. What took 15 minutes with carrying nothing took 30 minutes with all the items they had to carry. They arrived at the site and saw that the flag would have been dragging on the ground with the old flag pole, so they had to find a solution. They used the concrete stir stick they brought with them and using a drill, they extended the length of the pole and secured it with zip ties. Then they found that mixing the cement was ”tedious,” and they had to hurry in order to get done before nightfall. But working together, they got Old Glory up and flying before heading back down the mountain.

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They didn’t tell their parents they were replacing the flag, and the only reaction one of them had was, “Cool, son.”

They were a little worried that the flag would fall over before the cement dried, but by the next morning, they saw that their efforts were not in vain – the American Flag stood tall on the mountain as it had for years before.

O say does that star-spangled banner yet wave, O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave?

Star Spangled Banner, Francis Scott Key

H/T Uncle Sam’s Misguided Children


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Faye Higbee

Faye Higbee is the columnist manager for Uncle Sam's Misguided Children. She has been writing at Conservative Firing Line since 2013 as well. She is also a published author.

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