
SILENCED: Moderna Hires Politicized FBI To Secretly Police, Control Online Vaccine Debate

(Natural News) Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) “vaccine” giant Moderna has hired a secret police force to monitor and control the vaccine debate online. And its officers are none other than bought-off agents from the taxpayer-funded Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).

Investigative journalists Lee Fang and Jack Poulson say Moderna’s goal is to silence all dissenting opinions along with anything else that threatens its COVID-related business activities, i.e., vaccination drives, mass vaccination and associated lockdowns.

In Moderna’s view, the only people who distrust its gene-altering chemical injections are people who heard and believed “misinformation” rather than the company’s pro-jab claims.

The “root cause of vaccine hesitancy,” according to Moderna, is information that spreads online and convinces people to leave their DNA and immune systems alone. So, to fix this, Moderna has hired an army of FBI spooks to patrol social media platforms and provide interference that confuses people and keeps them in the dark about the company’s vaccine safety and effectiveness issues.

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Fang issued a statement to The Hill and he and Poulson’s investigative report on the matter that points to a “wide-ranging attempt to track virtually everything mentioned online, on social media and in the news media regarding vaccination policy, COVID policy, about Moderna and other vaccine companies.”

(Related: Moderna recently admitted that its mRNA jabs cause cancer, due in part to the billions of DNA fragments found in the vial solution.)

Moderna targeting “high-risk” celebrities who truth-tell against its COVID jabs

The global intelligence division, led by Nikki Rutman, of Moderna’s FBI police force monitoring team focuses on compiling internal company misinformation reports about “high-risk” celebrities who are critical of vaccines mandates. These include actor Russell Brand, billionaire electric vehicle (EV) guru Elon Musk and tennis player Novak Djokovic who is outspokenly unvaccinated.

Rutman worked as an intelligence analyst in the United States military-industrial complex for nearly 19 years, most of it at the FBI. In 2022, Rutman joined “Moderna’s corporate security team” where she now helps police the internet in search of vaccine skeptics to harass and persecute.

During the so-called “pandemic” and around the time the Trump administration launched Operation Warp Speed, Rutman was employed by the FBI and worked out of their Boston office. Operation Warp Speed, by the way, involved weekly cybersecurity meetings with Moderna, also based out of Boston.

Before joining the FBI, Rutman held various positions as a counterintelligence analyst with the Defense Intelligence Agency. She was also an “adviser on terrorism to a mission manager” for the Director of National Intelligence (DNI).

Rutman is one of many former law enforcement officers who now works on Moderna’s internet monitoring team where she and her co-workers utilize an artificial intelligence (AI) program to monitor vaccine-related discussions across 150 million websites in nearly 200 countries.

The Public Goods Project (PGP) also supports Moderna’s internet monitoring team with $1.275 million in funding from the Biotechnology and Innovation Organization, which is comprised of lobbyists for Pfizer and Moderna. PGP also collaborates closely with media outlets, government organizations and social media platforms to target “misinformation” about vaccines.

“We know from a separate batch of documents, the Twitter files that I reported earlier this year, that the same partners that are working with Moderna, PGP and some of these other NGOs (that) had a direct line to Twitter’s executives, and they also worked with Google and Facebook to shape content moderation policies,” Fang explained to The Hill.

Fang would further reveal that various Moderna-funded non-governmental organizations (NGOs) were putting heavy pressure on social media platforms to alter their content moderation guidelines, as well as remove or “de-amplify” content that is critical of vaccines.

“They were actually sending entire Excel documents with tweets they wanted censored,” Fang said.

The latest news about the privatization of the FBI as a Big Pharma police force can be found at FBICorruption.news.

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