
Sen Marco Rubio Bill Bans “Domestic Terrorists” From Purchasing Guns. Are You On That List?

The leftists believe that there millions and millions of “domestic terrorists” just waiting to kill them…most of whom are legal gun owners, not terrorists. Florida Senator Marco Rubio has proposed a bill that feeds into the paranoia of the left by creating a database of people only suspected of being a terrorist. Suspect, not convicted, which is the problem with all of these kinds of ideas.

marco rubio
Screenshot via The Hill on YouTube

The problem with intelligence is that sometimes it’s not intelligent.

Here are the features of the act from Marco Rubio’s website:

“The Terror Intelligence Improvement Act would:

Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?

  • Consolidate all federal terrorism investigation intelligence under the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), strengthening the FBI’s capabilities and making sure dangerous individuals do not fall through the cracks.
  • Require the FBI Director and the Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF) be immediately notified of any request to transfer a firearm to an individual who was the subject of a federal terrorism investigation within the last 10 years.
  • When an individual who was the subject of a federal terrorism investigation within the last 10 years tries to obtain a firearm, allow the U.S. Attorney General to delay the purchase or transfer for up to ten business days and file an emergency petition in court to prevent the transfer. If the court finds probable cause that the individual is or has been engaged in terrorism, the Attorney General may arrest the individual.
  • Protect the due process rights of law-abiding Americans by ensuring emergency petitions filed by the Attorney General are only granted if the transferee receives notice of the hearing and has the opportunity to participate with legal counsel. If the court denies the Attorney General’s petition, the federal government is responsible for all reasonable costs and attorneys’ fees.
  • Require the Inspector General of the Intelligence Community (IC IG) to conduct an audit of the federal government’s terrorism screening and watch list procedures, and identify any problems in the processes of adding or removing individuals from the system. Based on the audit, the IC IG must then submit a report to the Senate and House Intelligence Committees with recommendations for improving the system.”

So the first question: knowing what you know now of the FBI and the intelligence community, do you really want their power “consolidated?” Is this bill asking for major abuse of law abiding citizens? Marco Rubio is a decent Senator, but this bill could be a problem for ordinary folks just because of the time we live in.

Those “emergency petitions” sound an awful lot like Extreme Risk Protection Orders. Marco Rubio has included some “safeguards” for due process, but based on today’s political climate, those may not hold water.

The civil liberties concerns should be clear here. The bill basically requires the establishment of a database that will include subject of any domestic terror investigation dating back ten years. Even if a subject has been cleared during the course of that investigation, any attempt to purchase a firearm is seen as a red flag that empowers the Attorney General to block their gun purchase and haul them into court to explain themselves.

Once in court, a judge can use the standard of probable cause to justify the arrest of an individual on terrorism charges, depriving them of more than just their Second Amendment rights.

Cam Edwards at Bearing Arms

The left has called all Trump supporters “domestic terrorists.” They’ve called all Republicans “racists” or “extremists.” Do you see the issue yet?

Right now, the US military is on a witch hunt directed by Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin to root out every “extremist” and “racist” from the ranks of the Armed Forces. One email from the Group Command Sergeant Major, 1st Special Warfare Training Group said:

As of today, you are not authorized to wear or post any of [the attached] images. Doing so could result in military punishment. Please make sure this gets out to everyone in your formation. We don’t want our folks getting hemmed up because they weren’t informed. We — and the CG — have more important things to worry about and don’t need to waste any more time justifying logos. Some of these extremist logos may have been innocently and unknowingly incorporated into team/committee logos within SWCS; regardless of any good intentions, if you recognize any of these logos in any schwag you’re sporting, stop wearing the shirts, tear off the stickers on the water bottles, and let’s replace them with symbols that aren’t tied to extremism. Enough said.” SOFREP

Hollywood actor Chris Pratt has been viewed as an extremist just because of his “Don’t Tread On Me” t-shirt. That symbol was on the Gadsden flag used by the Continental Marines during the American Revolution. His brother works for the Solano County Sheriff’s Office, and has often posted images from the Three Percenters groups. They started an investigation of Cully Pratt’s posts.


Who are the “domestic terrorists” or “extremists?” Here’s the rub – the left, as we have written before, have twisted the definitions of those words to encompass just about anyone they don’t like. If they disgree with your Conservative stand, you’re a “domestic terrorist.” And for certain they would love to take away your right to bear arms. Just suspecting someone is not the same as a conviction.

The Terror Intelligence Improvement Act creates an atmosphere ripe for the abuse of your Second Amendment rights. Make sure your Senators and Reps are aware of the problem. And let Senator Marco Rubio know too.

H/T Uncle Sam’s Misguided Children


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Faye Higbee

Faye Higbee is the columnist manager for Uncle Sam's Misguided Children. She has been writing at Conservative Firing Line since 2013 as well. She is also a published author.

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