
Scientist Admits Climate Hysteria “A Manufactured Consensus” Based On Deception, Fearmongering

(Natural News) In a bombshell interview with John Stossel, climate scientist Judith Curry, once the “darling of environmental advocacy groups,” to quote the Daily Sceptic, revealed much about the “manufactured” nature of the man-made climate change conspiracy theory.

Curry, who once openly bragged about being a prominent figure in the government-funded climate alarmism scheme, now has much different things to say about so-called “global warming,” which does not carry with it an “overwhelming scientific consensus” as claimed.

“It’s a manufactured consensus,” Curry told Stossel, adding that scientists are basically incentivized with cash to greatly exaggerated the risk of the earth getting too warm in order to pursue “fame and fortune.”

“I was adopted by the environmental advocacy groups and the alarmists and I was treated like a rock star,” Curry says about how she used to be treated by the media and the establishment when she pushed bogus theories like there being more hurricanes because of global warming.

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“This was picked up by the media,” Curry says about her past hurricane increase claims, which the media discovered could be used to try to “tie extreme weather events to global warming.”

“[I was] flown all over the place to meet with politicians,” Curry says about how she was treated almost like royalty back when she was a climate change fanatic.

“Like a good scientist, I investigated,” Curry now says about why she had a major change of heart on the matter. “Part of it was bad data. Part of it is natural climate variability.”

(Related: Did you catch what United Nations [UN] climate chief Jim Skea just said about how politicians need to step up immediately to become “ringmasters” in forcing the world to go “green?”)

Climate change is a for-profit industry, so of course it has to “exist”

Unlike most of her peers, Curry has always entertained skepticism and even direct criticism of her now-past work. Even back when she wholeheartedly believed in man-made climate change, Curry says she would look at the work of her critics and see that “they had a point.”

In many cases, her Kool-Aid-drinking peers would go to great lengths to ignore skepticism and criticism of their work, and even go so far as to hide any climate data that they feared might blow holes in the official narrative.

“Ugly things,” Curry says about the ways in which the climate fanaticism community behaves. “Avoiding Freedom of Information Act requests. Trying to get journal editors fired.”

What Curry ultimately came to discover is that climate change is not science, it is an industry – and a for-profit one, at that.

“The origins go back to the … UN environmental programme,” Curry says about how the United Nations, a prominently “anti-capitalist” globalist entity, sought out to destroy the fossil fuel industry because it hates oil companies and wants to convert the world to a “green” energy paradigm instead.

“The IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) wasn’t supposed to focus on any benefits of warming,” Curry says about the corrupt agenda right from the get-go.

“The IPCC’s mandate was to look for dangerous human-caused climate change.”

It was thus quickly discovered within the scientific community that the best way to get funded – cha-ching – was to simply go along with the agenda and make alarmist claims about the climate whenever possible.

“Shocking, but not shocked,” one commenter wrote about Curry’s admissions.

“And yet I know that if I sent details of this interview to the ‘scientists’ in my family, I’d continue to be denounced by them. ‘Terrible behavior,’ they say about me behind my back. Speaking the truth really is an act of revolution.”

The latest news about the fraud known as man-made climate change can be found at Climate.news.

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