School worksheet asks students to ID father of illegitimate child

You can at least take comfort from the fact that the questions are part of an assignment designated for students taking honors biology. Because only about a fifth of all students qualify for honors courses according to national estimates, most young impressionable minds will be spared.
Those who won’t and whose teachers download a certain genetics worksheet from the website School World will come face to face with Punnett square problems that ask them about the probable fathers of babies born out of wedlock.
Question 7 can be found here. Notice that it doesn’t mention paternity suits per se. Nevertheless, the author does not mince words. Among the possible male parents are several nameless functionaries, among them the mailman, the butcher, the waiter, and the cable guy.
Question 8 is even more in-your-kid’s-face. It reads:
The sister of the mom above also had issues with finding out who the father of her baby was. She had the state take a blood test of potential fathers. Based on the information in this table, why was the baby taken away by the state after the test?
This time the choices are the bartender, the guy at the club, the cabdriver, and the flight attendant.
School World, the website this material comes from, is fee-for-service, though anyone can sign up for a 30-day free trial. But no matter. A Google search for the keyword teacher resource websites returns 44 million results. If you’re a teacher looking for free materials, the possibilities are endless.
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