
Say it ain’t so: Shocking NYT report claims Kavanaugh once threw ice at someone back in 1985

Talk about desperate.  On Monday, the New York Times published a shocking report that says Judge Brett Kavanaugh was once questioned by police after he allegedly threw ice at someone in a bar.

According to the Times:

The incident, which occurred in September 1985 during Mr. Kavanaugh’s junior year, resulted in Mr. Kavanaugh and four other men being questioned by the New Haven Police Department. Mr. Kavanaugh was not arrested, but the police report stated that a 21-year-old man accused Mr. Kavanaugh of throwing ice on him “for some unknown reason.”

A witness to the fight said that Chris Dudley, a Yale basketball player who is friends with Mr. Kavanaugh, then threw a glass that hit the man in the ear, according to the police report, which was obtained by The New York Times.

The report said that the victim, Dom Cozzolino, “was bleeding from the right ear” and was treated at a hospital. A detective was notified of the incident at 1:20 a.m.

Dudley, the Times added, denied the accusation and Kavanaugh did not want “to say if he threw the ice or not,” the police report said.  Kavanaugh, by the was, was not arrested.

Naturally, the report prompted a great deal of mockery on social media.

Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?

Apparently so.



The Daily Wire noted:

The White House refused to comment on the new, shocking — horrifying — allegations. The professor, whose statement instigated the Times’s investigation, says he has not been contacted by FBI officials investigating Brett Kavanaugh.

Our good friend and colleague Jeff Dunetz says he’s learned of a few other accusations leftists intend to push against Kavanaugh if this effort fails, some of which can be seen here and below:

  • Kavanaugh has been accused of theft: A former classmate Tommy Tiberias has submitted a sworn deposition charging Judge Kavanaugh of stealing one of his Oreos during one lunch in fourth grade.
  • Kavanaugh Does Dirty things:  Now 90-years-old, Miss MacGillacutty his kindergarten teacher admits the Judge made  “poopy” in his diaper TWICE. She doesn’t believe that it’s a bad thing because she now does it in her diaper every day.
  • Kavanaugh does not respect authority.  When the judge was 12-years-old, his parent’s punished him by instructing him to go to bed early. He ignored their punishment a read a book with a flashlight, UNDER THE COVERS!
  • Judge Kavanaugh was seen Kissing and Hugging underaged girls: Actually, it happens a lot, just before he sends his daughters to bed.

Dunetz tells us, tongue-in-cheek, that he had to send his “Cousin Ben the spy” to learn what Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer would do next to “oppose Judge Kavanaugh and put party before country.”

Who knows…  Maybe they really will accuse Kavanaugh of molesting an army of wild mongrel dogs.  And maybe the New York Times will tell the tale…

Of course, this comes as Rachel Mitchell’s report shreds Christine Ford’s testimony against Kavanaugh.


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Joe Newby

A 10-year veteran of the U.S. Marine Corps, Joe ran for a city council position in Riverside, Calif., in 1991 and managed successful campaigns for the Idaho state legislature. Co-author of "Banned: How Facebook enables militant Islamic jihad," Joe wrote for Examiner.com from 2010 until it closed in 2016 and his work has been published at Newsbusters, Spokane Faith and Values and other sites. He now runs the Conservative Firing Line.

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