Saudi Arabia on the Human Rights Council – Now THAT’s a Joke!
The UNHRC– United Nations Human Rights Council – has welcomed a new consultant to the group: Saudi Arabia. Their representative, Faisal Trad, will consult with the UNHRC for one year.
Though he was reportedly not appointed by the United Nations or any members, human rights activists are having issues with the choice of Saudi Arabia as anything close to a “consultant” over Human Rights.
Saudi Arabia has beheaded more people than ISIS so far this year. Not to mention that they are set to behead and crucify a Shia Muslim who chanted against the ruling powers as a 17-year-old during the Arab Spring.
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Ali al-Nimr
We have reported on the horrific not-so-moderate version of Wahhabi/Salafist Islam before. We’ve also shown how perfectly nasty they are to anyone they consider an “infidel” – which, by the way includes members of the Shia version of Islam.
The victim this time is Ali al-Nimr, a Shia Muslim who was just 17 when he was arrested. He was convicted of belonging to a terror cell, attacking police with Molotov cocktails, incitement, and stoking sectarianism. And his sentence is a gruesome death.
[Charges which the family says are untrue, and are against him only because the government wishes to get revenge against his uncle: Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr. Shit’ite Sheikh al-Nimr is also in custody and under a sentence of death.]Ali’s appeal was denied by the court last week, and ratified by the high court, which means that the death sentence can be carried out at any time. His body will be crucified publicly after beheading, unless King Salman commutes his sentence.
“[Oil money] Petro dollars and politics have trumped human rights.” Hillel Neurer, U.N. Watch
Arutz Sheva wrote,
Activists say he [Ali al-Nimr] was tortured into issuing a confession, and note that according to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child – to which Riyadh is a signatory – it is illegal to execute a child under the age of 18 at the time the crime was committed.
UN Watch head Hillel Neurer branded Saudi Arabia’s appointment to the UNHRC “scandalous.”
“It is scandalous that the UN chose a country that has beheaded more people this year than ISIS to be head of a key human rights panel,” Neuer said. “Petro-dollars and politics have trumped human rights.”
The United Nations continually attempts to listen to every voice- even if those voices are not in keeping with their own charter. Regardless of who appointed Saudi Arabia to the consulting panel in regard to Human Rights, it is an absolute joke – but it is one that is not funny. [This original story is posted at Uncle Sam’s Misguided Children)
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