
Is Chief Justice John Roberts the Victim of Democrat Smears, Blackmail? (Video)

Jeffrey Epstein is a name most Americans are familiar with. Among other activities he had a private island (in the US Virgin Islands) stocked with underage boys and girls, to which celebrities from all fields flocked. Politicians, Hollywood stars, billionaires, and yes, perhaps judges.

Let’s start from the beginning.  In 2005 John Roberts was appointed to the Supreme Court as a rock solid conservative. Along the way, things changed, and today this rock solid conservative is shredding the Constitution.  As we reported recently, he refused to stand for the First Amendment and religious freedom, standing instead with his liberal friends.  He is believed by many to be in a jihad against the rule of law and the Constitution.

Soon he will be asked to make a decision regarding the Pennsylvania Supreme Court changing state legislature election rules which were in place to protect against vote fraud. The Pennsylvania Supreme Court is elected, consists of seven members. Five of them are left wing Soros-type radicals who have caused a catastrophe to the system of free and fair elections in America

Max Baer, Debra McCloskey Todd, Christine Donohue. Kevin M. Dougherty, David Wecht

Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?

These left-wing activist judges provided the opening for massive election fraud in their decisions of 2020 relative to the elections of November 3rd.

These five supported the removal of requirements needed to protect against mail-in voter fraud: Removing the need for signature on the ballot to match the signature of the registered voter. Removal of the need for the mail in ballot to have a dated postmark which is legible. And that ballots did not need to be received by November 3rd. In other words, the basic safeguards to ensure integrity of mail in ballots were removed. And removed in an unconstitutional manner, since only the legislature can make such decisions.

As the latest in horrific judicial decisions which twist the constitution into unrecognizable form, Roberts refused in October to vote against the unconstitutional usurpation of legislative power by the five tyrannical leftists on the Pennsylvania Supreme Court, punting the decision to be held in December, thus helping to create the confusion and fraud in the November 3 election.

If the Supreme Court fails to support the Constitution in the coming December case, the mummy, Joe Biden, may receive the Pennsylvania elector votes. And, heaven forbid, might become the next president of the United States.  And possibly the first illegitimate president to actually be sworn into office.

But amazingly enough, the use airline passenger manifest to free someone from blackmail, could save the American system of free and fair elections.


Judicial analysts can offer no rational explanation for John Robert’s shift from a rock solid conservative, to a leftist constitution shredder. Making decisions with invariably damage Republican interests and support the interests of Democrats.

Theories exist that there is evidence that Roberts was a homosexual at the time he was appointed to the Supreme Court. And that he failed to disclose this in his senate confirmation hearings.

The Martha’s Vineyard gay lifestyle has photographic documentation.  However this is only a theory and Justice Roberts knows the truth.



The idea that John Roberts is being blackmailed, whether by true or false allegations, has heavy hitters as believers. Among those who believe that Roberts is being blackmailed, are heavyweights such as Senator Mike Lee.

Enter into the mix, well known airline pilot, David Rogers. Rogers signed and perhaps wrote the passenger manifest for flights on which he was captain. The unusual air service was none other than that of Jeffrey Epstein, and the flights were mostly to Epstein’s underage sex island.

Among the list of passengers in 2010, 2011, the name “JOHN ROBERTS” appears twice in large letters.

These documents apparently were scanned and copied on the same machine as the series of earlier documents which were submitted as evidence in the prosecution of Jeffrey Epstein.

Whether the person named is the same John Roberts as the chief justice, or if the documents themselves are accurate, is not known. It raises the question if blackmail is involved in the strange flip of John Roberts from conservative constitutionalist to left wing shredder of the Constitution. It’s part of the Democrat modus operandi: the seriousness of the charge is what counts.


The Democrat Party, and Barak Obama in particular, reportedly has a long, and effective, history using sexual smears and blackmail against opponents.

When Barak Obama was running for Senator in Illinois, in the 2004 primary the following occurred:

One month before the 2004 Democratic primary for the U.S. Senate, Obama was way down in the polls, about to lose to Blair Hull, a multimillionaire securities trader.

But then The Chicago Tribune — where Axelrod used to work — began publishing claims that Hull’s second ex-wife, Brenda Sexton, had sought an order of protection against him during their 1998 divorce proceedings…

Obama won the primary with the sexually charged battering ram.

In the senate election itself, Obama struck gold in that his Republican opponent, Jack Ryan had also been divorced.

Amazingly enough, out of the blue, Ryan’s ex-wife accused him of taking her to swinger parties and offered her to other people. Ryan denied it continually, but as with all Democrat smears, it’s the seriousness of the charge that has the effect. Not whether it’s true or not.

Sexual smears elected Barak Obama to the Senate. And when Herman Caine threatened the election of Obama to the presidency, again the sex smears came into use with the same methods.

Isn’t it a possibility that Roberts is being blackmailed?

How then to help him if that is the case?

Let him know that the vast majority country will be at his side to help him, and that he can be free by interpreting the law in terms of the constitution. Is it better to live a life enslaved to apparent blackmailers, or better to have the nation stand at your side? Better to be a liar or at peace with yourself?

(Note: No one mentioned in this post is said to have committed a crime. All Americans are presumed innocent unless or until proven guilty in a court of law.)

Dr Joel S Holmes is an engineer working in hydropower and cyber security.

His bombshell book reveals Democrat election fraud and connection of Obama deep state members to the Russian government.


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