Reporter screams question at President Trump about Stormy Daniels at National Day of Prayer ceremony
On Thursday, President Trump welcomed a diverse group of religious leaders to the Rose Garden for a National Day of Prayer event. After the event concluded, someone simply identified as a “reporter” shouted a question at the president about Stormy Daniels, prompting backlash from others present at the event.
According to the Daily Caller, which also posted video of the disruption:
Trump spoke about religious persecution and the importance of faith in his remarks. Trump welcomed a one-time inmate turned Christian convert, and the man who arrested him, onstage to share a story of faith and forgiveness. The president, surrounded by religious leaders of all faith backgrounds, then signed an official White House Faith Initiative.
As the president was leaving the event, an unidentified reporter screamed “What about Stormy Daniels?”
The Daily Caller’s Saagar Enjeti said that prompted a very angry “Shame on you” from the audience.
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This was confirmed by CNN’s Elizabeth Landers:
On #WorldPressFreedomDay, the end of a Rose Garden ceremony:
REPORTER: Mr. President, why are you changing your story on Stormy Daniels?
ATTENDEE: Shame on you
ATTENDEE: Yeah, this is a prayer meeting. Please? Can we finish the prayer meeting please? I'm just asking you nicely— Elizabeth Landers (@ElizLanders) May 3, 2018
According to Enjeti, “several” guests at the religious ceremony were visibly upset at the press, the Daily Caller added.
We were unable to identify the reporter who shouted the question, but, the Washington Examiner said, CNN’s Kaitlan Collins “was brought on air for a live shot to discuss the latest developments about Trump’s personal lawyer Michael Cohen and the payments to Daniels.”
According to the Examiner:
Collins then went into her live shot while it was mostly silent at the event, and people could be seen behind Collins turning around to see where the noise was coming from. The choir began its performance when Collins’ segment ended.
Andrew Beatty, a White House reporter for the Agence France-Presse, wrote on Twitter that he was there and called the CNN shot a “Slightly awkward moment in the Rose Garden,” adding that it was “quiet except for the sound a CNN reporter doing piece to camera about Stormy Daniels. Some giggles some questioning glances.”
Collins wrote on Twitter afterward that she was reprimanded by someone at the White House about her segment.
“A guest at the White House for the National Day of Prayer event tells me I am ‘pitiful and disgusting’ for reporting that President Trump reimbursed his attorney for the $130,000 he paid a porn actress,” Collins said on Twitter. “I think you’re gonna have to take that up with Trump, sir.”
A guest at the White House for the National Day of Prayer event tells me I am “pitiful and disgusting” for reporting that President Trump reimbursed his attorney for the $130,000 he paid a porn actress. I think you’re gonna have to take that up with Trump, sir.
— Kaitlan Collins (@kaitlancollins) May 3, 2018
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