
Report: Ilhan Omar Funnels Hundreds of Thousands In Campaign Cash to New Husband’s Firm

Democrat Representative Ilhan Omar, according to filings analyzed by the Washington Free Beacon, funneled nearly $300,000 from her campaign committee to her new husband’s consulting firm.

The filings show that the committee provided significant cash flow to the E Street Group, a political consulting firm founded by Tim Mynett.

Omar announced that she married Mynett in March, after spending months denying accusations from his former wife and the media that they were having an affair.

More of the Same

According to the report, Omar’s campaign paid E Street $292,905 – over 40 percent of all disbursements for the first quarter of the year.

Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?

Additionally, the Minneapolis Star-Tribune reports that Mynett’s group was paid the exorbitant sum for “advertising, fundraising, travel and other services.”

Omar’s campaign paid out over $500,000 to the firm last year for similar services and is on pace to double that rate for the year.

She Does It Because She Can Get Away With It

The Star-Tribune notes that “the law doesn’t prohibit hiring a spouse for a federal campaign and it’s not unheard of for candidates and members of Congress to employ and pay relatives through their committees.”

That said, the Tribune also noted in announcing the couple’s marriage that her “relationship with Mynett is at the center of a Federal Election Commission complaint alleging that money Omar’s campaign committee paid to Mynett and his firm for travel expenses were for personal use.”

She’s under scrutiny by the FEC and continues to send his firm money, keeping her husband’s company on the payroll. At this point, she’s just flaunting the alleged corruption.


Omar has defended paying her once-boyfriend (now husband’s) firm significant sums from her campaign coffers.

“My relationship with Tim began long after this work started,” Omar wrote on Twitter in March. “We consulted with a top FEC campaign attorney to ensure there were no possible legal issues with our relationship. We were told this is not uncommon and that no, there weren’t.”

Despite this controversy, Omar has left a long trail of alleged corruption in her wake since entering Congress.


  • The Tribune reported on documents raising questions as to whether Omar previously married her own brother as a means to “skirt immigration laws.”
  • Reporter David Steinberg at The Blaze wrote a column in January claiming the DOJ had assigned an FBI Special Agent in Charge (SAC) to review complaints regarding what he defined as Omar’s “apparent, astonishing spree of felonies from 2009 to 2017.”
  • Judicial Watch, a government watchdog group, filed a congressional ethics complaint against Omar in July, saying she must be investigated for “perjury, immigration fraud, marriage fraud, state and federal tax fraud, and federal student loan fraud.”
  • Fox News correspondent Trace Gallagher indicated the investigations surround allegations involving “perjury, immigration fraud, tax fraud, student loan fraud, and possibly bigamy.”

Are any of these complaints or investigations going to amount to action? Time will tell.

Cross-posted with Mental Recession


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