One day after a Rasmussen survey showed that 50 percent of likely voters were satisfied with the conclusions reportedly reached by Robert Mueller’s investigation of alleged Trump campaign collusion with the Russian government, another survey reveals that a lot of voters think it was Hillary Rodham Clinton’s campaign that might have had questionable dealings with “foreign operatives.”
According to Rasmussen Reports, “47% of Likely U.S. Voters think Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign is more likely than President Trump’s to have illegally colluded with foreign operatives.”
Still, nearly as many (45 percent) “still suspect the Trump campaign more.”
Rasmussen found that, “Forty-nine percent (49%) of voters still see a need for a special prosecutor to investigate whether senior FBI officials handled the investigations of Clinton and Trump in a legal and unbiased fashion. That’s down from a high of 54% a year ago. Thirty-seven percent (37%) disagree with the need for another special counsel, while 15% are undecided.”
Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?
Meanwhile, Rasmussen revealed lingering doubts about the Mueller investigation. Thirty-six percent are not satisfied with Mueller’s conclusions, as reported by the media—the actual full report has not yet been released—but a whopping 62 percent of identified Republicans “now see Mueller’s probe as a partisan witch hunt.”
However, 83 percent of identified Republicans are satisfied with the findings, while not surprisingly, only 25 percent of respondents who identified themselves as Democrats shared that satisfaction.
In a related development, the Washington Examiner is reporting that Attorney General William Barr is “upset” with how the FBI handled its investigation of Clinton’s email scandal, according to Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC), who currently chairs the Senate Judiciary Committee.
Graham reportedly made the observation during an interview with “Sunday Morning Futures” host Maria Bartiromo on Fox News. He is hopeful that Barr will name a special counsel to “look into potential political bias,” the newspaper said.
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