
Rasmussen: Voters see ‘bigger threat’ from Trump opponents

A new Rasmussen survey says voters “see a bigger threat from President Trump’s opponents over policy issues than from his supporters if Democrats succeed in removing him from office,” a prospect that may be diminishing on live television as the House hearings continue.

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A new Rasmussen survey shows more people worry about Trump’s opponents than about his supporters.

Former Independent Counsel Ken Starr told Fox News that, in his opinion, testimony so far from witnesses appearing before the House Intelligence Committee hasn’t come close to establishing impeachable offenses.

But that isn’t going to satisfy Trump’s opponents, who have been trying to get rid of him since election night 2016, according to some pundits.

The Rasmussen survey found 53 percent of likely voters are concerned that if Trump is impeached and removed from office there will be violence. Of that number, 24 percent are “very concerned,” the polling giant said.

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But 59 percent said they are worried that those opposed to Trump’s policies “will resort to violence, including 34 percent who are ‘very’ concerned.,” Rasmussen noted.

The latest Rasmussen report also said “one-in-three still see the threat of civil war in the near future.” The survey found 31 percent of respondents think it likely the United States will “experience a second civil war sometime in the next five years, although that includes only nine percent who see it as very likely.”

This new survey comes five months after Rasmussen revealed the results of a summer survey which said most voters do not think Trump’s supporters are racists, but half of Democrats do. The survey found 49 percent of respondents who identified as Democrats think Trump voters are racist, while only 13 percent of Republicans and 23 percent of independents think so.

What these surveys continue to reinforce is the notion that the nation is split and that the chasm appears to be widening.

In the midst of this, during Wednesday evening’s Democratic candidates’ debate, it was revealed the Democratic National Committee had “disappointing October fundraising numbers.”

According to the Daily Caller, “The DNC reported less than $8.7 million cash on hand and over $7 million debt in an FEC report released Wednesday.”

Former Counsel Starr has become something of a regular guest/source on Fox lately. He told reporter Bill Hemmer during an America’s Newsroom interview, that testimony from witnesses so far doesn’t “reach the level of treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors.”


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