
Rasmussen reveals the obvious: Party affiliation dictates Orlando reactions

President Obama and Democrats say gun control is the answer to Orlando-type terrorist attacks.

A new Rasmussen Survey has revealed the obvious: Voters are divided along party lines, as are President Barack Obama and members of Congress when it comes to deciding what to do in response to the Orlando massacre by an apparently radicalized Islamic extremist.

Obama and Democrats, said Rasmussen, say the attack “highlights the need for increased gun control.” Republicans, on the other hand, say Orlando “represents the growing threat of domestic Islamic terrorism.”

A Rasmussen survey taken June 16-19 found that when given a choice, 36 percent of likely voters think increased monitoring of Muslims who have “possible ties to terrorism” is a good idea. Thirty-four percent think more gun control laws would be more effective to combat possible terrorism.

The breakdown is hardly surprising, with 59 percent of Republicans supporting monitoring of Muslims while 59 percent of Democrats supporting gun control.

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This news comes the day after the U.S. Senate failed to pass four different gun control proposals including one that would have denied gun purchases to anyone on a “no-fly” list. This was the “guilty until proven innocent” measure backed by anti-gun Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA). That bill was opposed by the National Rifle Association, Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms and the American Civil Liberties Union.

The Senate votes appear to have provided a launch pad for gun prohibitionists to craft talking points for the national Congressional campaigns this fall. Presumptive Democrat nominee Hillary Clinton has made gun control a cornerstone of her campaign for the past year.

The NRA and CCRKBA all had statements following the votes.

Anti-gun groups are already using the votes to drum up support for their gun control efforts, and the Seattle-based Alliance for Gun Responsibility has even launched a fund-raising effort via email.

H/T Seattle Gun Rights Examiner


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