
Rasmussen: America more divided since November election

A new Rasmussen survey says few voters are confident Joe Biden can unite the country.

An alarming 56 percent of “likely U.S. voters” believe America “has become more divided since the election,” according to a new Rasmussen survey released Wednesday, and fewer than one in five of those citizens think Joe Biden is capable of uniting the country.

That may not be difficult to believe, considering that just days after Biden cancelled the Keystone XL pipeline—essentially wiping out an estimated 11,000 jobs including 8,000 union jobs—his climate advisor Gina McCarthy insisted the Biden administration is “not asking for sacrifice,” according to Fox News.

For those who just lost their jobs because of Biden’s ink stroke, Ms. McCarthy’s remark is at best ludicrous. In parts of the country where people depend on their paychecks to feed and house their families, there is a long –honored saying: “Don’t piss down my back and tell me it’s raining.”

According to Rasmussen, “Only 19% of voters are very confident that Biden will be able to unite Americans, while 26% say they’re somewhat confident Biden can unite the country. Fifteen percent (15%) are not very confident Biden will be able to unite Americans, and 39% say they’re not confident at all.”

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Rasmussen breaks down the survey result along party lines, noting, “Seventy-five percent (75%) of GOP voters say America has become more divided since the election, and 38% of Democrats agree, as do 58% of voters not affiliated with either major party.”

According to the veteran polling firm, American voters are evenly split over whether President Biden or his political opponents are more to blame for the current division, and opinions are also split along party lines.

“Sixty-six percent (66%) of Republicans say Biden is more to blame,” Rasmussen said, “while 67% of Democrats blame Biden’s opponents for dividing the country. Among unaffiliated voters, 39% say Biden is more to blame for the division in America, 39% blame Biden’s opponents and 19% are not sure.

Not surprisingly, Democrats are more confident in Biden’s “ability to unite the country” than Republicans or Independents.

“Seventy-five percent (75%) of Democrats are at least somewhat confident that Biden will be able to unite Americans,” Rasmussen reported, “with 35% of those saying they’re very confident he can unite the country. Only 7% of GOP voters and 12% of unaffiliated voters say they’re very confident that Biden will be able to unite Americans.”


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