
Pro-Gun Kent State Girl Challenges Gun Control Activist David Hogg to Arm Wrestling Match For Gun Rights

Kaitlin Bennett, the Kent State college student who challenged gun grabbers by posting graduation photos of her toting a rifle and a cap that read “Come and take it,” has a novel idea to solve the gun debate.

In a devastating mockery of David Hogg – the well-funded leftist gun grabber propped up by the media after surviving the horrific Parkland shooting – Bennett issued a challenge he has no chance of winning.

An arm wrestling match.

“I have a challenge for you @davidhogg111,” she wrote. “Let’s arm wrestle. If I win, we get to keep the 2nd amendment. If you win, we turn in our guns. Deal?”

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In case any Second Amendment supporters were actually concerned, Bennett reassured them with an image of Hogg and his spaghetti string arms.

She captioned the photo, “It’s alright guys, the 2nd amendment is safe.”

Suns out, guns out, eh Hogg?

Hey, it’s Hogg’s right to bare arms, isn’t it?

Bennett and Hogg have tangled on social media before.

Last month, Hogg retweeted a message from Shannon Watts, the founder of Moms Demand Action, a far-far-left organization that doctors numbers about ‘gun violence’ for the media.

Watts took exception to the Kent State graduate’s pro-gun photo:

Watts said the fact that Bennett wasn’t shot and killed while taking the photo was a demonstration of the non-existent phenomenon known as “white privilege.”

“White privilege is a helluva drug,” she wrote.

After Hogg retweeted the nonsensical post, Bennett responded with full force.

“I don’t know if your tiny arms with Hitler-esque bands around them can’t reach your @ button, but maybe instead of retweeting racist posts about me, you can have a real conversation about guns with me like the adult you want to be,” she said.

Since Hogg showed no interest, Bennett pivoted to speaking at his level – a gun debate using a different kind of arms!

Numerous followers chimed in and continued the Hogg mockery – the Hoggockery if you will.



This is a gun battle that David Hogg will never win. But it won’t be the last, as he’ll surely lose his quest to ban firearms and revoke the Second Amendment.

Cross-posted with Mental Recession


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