
Press Pool Reporter Bumped Trump in the Face With Her Microphone

Yeah, it was an accident. We think.

President Trump was speaking with reporters at the airport on Friday, when a reporter inadvertently bumped him in face with her microphone. While we are pretty sure it was a total accident, X had fun with the situation. The President looked at her, raised his eyebrows, and remarked,

“She just made television tonight. She just became a big story tonight. Did you see that?” President Trump

The President actually took it well, and in his signature sense of humor made light of it. But the look on his face was perfect…and priceless. Being hit with a microphone only slightly annoyed him. Whether that reporter is still employed is unknown.

Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?

I remarked to @Grayzmatter that Russia and North Korea were the main culprits in such plans, and that hopefully our reporters and their equipment were better vetted than that. His response was a tongue-in-cheek mention of “Dr. Evil.”

Others picked up on the assassination plot theme:

It has not been revealed which media outlet or reporter bumped him with her microphone, but the vetting process for all media members who go with the President should be rigorous. This was likely a stupid moment by the reporter. But it was fun to see the off-the-rail responses.



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Faye Higbee

Faye Higbee is the columnist manager for Uncle Sam's Misguided Children. She has been writing at Conservative Firing Line since 2013 as well. She is also a published author.

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