
Plagiarist Kamala- Yet Another Scandal for Dems?

It appears that Harris has yet another scandal, according to independent journalist Christopher Rufo. Kamala is being accused of using sources from her and her co-author’s book on Crime without attribution. Is Plagiarist Kamala now her new nickname?

The book, titled “Smart on Crime” was released prior to her campaign for California Attorney General. Austrian “plagiarism hunter” Stefan Weber reviewed the material from the book and found numerous instances where the authors had lifted sections of their book from other people and made no attempt to attribute those pieces from the original authors or sources.

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Plagiarist Kamala?

“Taken in total, there is certainly a breach of standards here. Harris and her co-author duplicated long passages nearly verbatim without proper citation and without quotation marks, which is the textbook definition of plagiarism. They not only lifted material from sources without proper attribution, but in at least one case, relied on a low-quality source, which potentially undermined the accuracy of their conclusion. Of course, Harris, like many other public figures, may have relied entirely on a ghostwriter to draft her book. But that is not exculpatory: Harris, at the end of the day, put her name on the cover. On that point, one might recall the title of her book: Smart on Crime.” 

There is nothing smart about plagiarism, which is the equivalent of an academic crime. The publisher, as well as the sitting vice president, should retract the plagiarized passages and issue a correction. There should be a single standard—and Kamala Harris is falling short.” Christopher Rufo

Did she join Harvard’s plagiarism club?  Mr. Rufo brought the receipts, clearly showing her ‘academic crime.’



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Faye Higbee

Faye Higbee is the columnist manager for Uncle Sam's Misguided Children. She has been writing at Conservative Firing Line since 2013 as well. She is also a published author.

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