
Philadelphia Elementary Posts Anti-NRA, Anti GOP Signs

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A Philadelphia Elementary School has Anti-NRA and Anti-GOP signs posted on their front door. (The school is Kindergarten through 8th grade.) Alfred M. Greenfield Elementary school claims that the students came up with these signs all on their own.

The signs represent one point of view only: liberal. The kids were likely coached by the school teachers to come up with that viewpoint, if indeed they created the signs “on their own.”

Fox and Friends reported,

Republican strategist Erin Elmore lives near Albert M. Greenfield School, and after seeing the signs, she sent the school a right to know request.

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“You want to know: When were these signs made? What resources were used? Did you consult with any outside political groups?” Elmore said, noting that she got no response from the school.

A school district spokesperson issued a statement after “Fox & Friends” reached out: “We support students’ rights to self-expression as long as that expression does not disrupt an orderly school environment, and these signs are not in violation of School District of Philadelphia policy.”

Elmore said the problem is that the signs are divisive and only represent one point of view.

“Children as young as five go to this school. They’re being used as political pawns. And it’s scary,” Elmore said, revealing that she no longer plans to send her son to Albert M. Greenfield School when he starts kindergarten.

“NRA – Go Away, GOP – Enough BS, Protect Kids, Not Guns, Stop the NRA” – do those slogans sound like young children? Actually they sound like adults demanding that children write what they want them to write. They are teaching young impressionable children to only see one side of issues, and have built the NRA and Republicans into monsters for kids to hate. They’ve turned an elementary school into a propaganda factory.

H/T Uncle Sam’s Misguided Children


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Faye Higbee

Faye Higbee is the columnist manager for Uncle Sam's Misguided Children. She has been writing at Conservative Firing Line since 2013 as well. She is also a published author.

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