(Hamas posted a photo of the paraglider they used to attack a dance party in southern Israel. Notice the partygoers looking up in the sky. before the deadly attack.)
REGARDLESS of the so-called schism between Sunni and Shia Islamists, when it comes to the centuries-long slaughtering of the Jews (next stop onto the Christians, the “Sunday People”), well they are joined-at-hip. The reasons are manifold and manifest.
BUT what must be reiterated, ad infinitum, yes, until the cows come home, so to speak, is the inextricable linkage of “Islam & Blood” to every “religious” Muslim on earth — that which underlies their unquenchable blood lust!!
- SEXUAL JIHAD & SLAVE JIHAD:Koranic Mandates Inspired By Muhammad!
- Muslim Blood Lust Boundless, NO Excuses Needed, Yet, Western Third World Devotees/Appeasers Supply Them.
- Islamic Blood Lust Unquenchable: Humans AND Animals In Their Cross Hairs! Psychopathic.
- Understanding The Jihadi’s Rage-Fueled Mindset – The Case of Khalil Jabarin: A Palestinian Wind-Up Toy
- The Jihadi Dictionary: The Essential Intel Tool for Military, Law Enforcement, Government and the Concerned Public
ALL of which leads to the grave insanity continuing 24/7 — indeed from many supposed friendly circles. Meanwhile, tragically, enumerable “Oslo Syndrome”-gripped politico-security Israeli leaders march in lock-step!
ATOP all of the above psychosis, who recalls the brazen anti-American/anti-western/anti-Israel treachery from Barack HUSSEIN Obama!? Full circle.
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ONTO Gateway Pundit’s proof of the same | By Jim Hoft | October 30, 2023
The video you are about to see is VERY GRAPHIC.
This video was taken during the October 7, 2023, Hamas massacre in southern Israel.
This graphic content was sent to The Gateway Pundit by trusted sources.
We have verified the content of this video.
(If unviewable, see it at Gateway, it is that mandatory, that is, despite its barbaric nature!)
At one point in today’s video Hamas terrorists beat a dead Jewish man in the face with a pole. The man is already dead. Then Hamas pokes out his eyes. We decided to pixilate that clip.
How can they defend this?
Editor’s note: We understand how conflicted some will be about sharing this graphic and disturbing content. We also know how difficult this will be for the families of the innocent young people murdered by these monsters. We are heartbroken for them. But The Gateway Pundit feels strongly that the world needs to see this evil. The world must see what Hamas terrorists do to innocent civilians. The world must see, with their own eyes, the evil being perpetrated by those that college students and leftist politicians are celebrating. This is evil. This is Hamas. The world must not avert their eyes. We must never forget.
My first reaction after viewing this video and the clips sent to The Gateway Pundit was to sit back and cry.
Background on today’s video release:
On Oct. 7 Hamas terrorists targeted the Nova Peace and Love music festival in southern Israel. Thousands of young Israelis and hundreds of foreigners attended the event.
The young men and women at the concert ran for their lives. At least one group of young men and women hid in a bomb shelter nearby, thinking they would be safe. Hamas repeatedly lobbed grenades into the shelter, murdering dozens of kids.
CNN ran a segment on this gruesome event. We have decided to keep the victims anonymous in our report. A young Jewish man reportedly took the video. CNN did not include the footage we are releasing here today.
** Our first video is posted here of the young men and women after Hamas threw bombs into the bunker where they were hiding.
Today’s Video–
Today’s video shows the true evil of Hamas.
After the terrorists killed one Jewish man they beat his corpse with a poll. Then they poked out his eyes.
There are also clips from the bunker including one man with a horrible leg injury and and a separate girl from the concert who Hamas killed in cold blood.
This is Evil. This is Hamas.
The world must never forget.
Caution: Please note the extreme violence displayed in the video…..click on at site….
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PLUS, how we got from the Middle East (in tow with aligned cesspools), to the envelopment of all of Jihadi Islam’s barbarism in the west!
(Cross-referenced at: Adina Kutnicki: A Zionist & Conservative Blog)