
OUCH! Rasmussen poll says many voters favor neither party

Just when politics is really heating up comes a Rasmussen survey that says 47 percent of likely voters “believe it is fair to say that neither party in Congress is the party of the American people.”

Bad news for politicians including Elizabeth Warren: A new Rasmussen poll says many voters think neither political party represents their interests.

Adding insult to injury, 57 percent of those identifying as independents believe neither party represents the people, while 47 percent of Republicans and 40 percent of Democrats agree.

Making matters even worse for career politicians is the revelation that, “Among all voters, only 27% think the average Democrat in Congress is about the same as them in political terms. Twenty-five percent (25%) feel that way politically about the average Republican in Congress.”

Moving down the list of troubles is the notation that 53 percent of survey respondents think the average Democrat is more liberal than they are, and only 14 percent see members of Congress as more conservative. Twenty-three percent think GOP members are more liberal, but that’s probably not the worst news.

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Translation: Capitol Hill is basically out of touch with the people, and the people are taking notice.

What does this mean to the nearly two-dozen Democrats now running to replace Donald Trump in the White House? Probably nothing good. Democrat candidates from former Vice President Joe Biden to last-place Gov. Jay Inslee from Washington are tripping over each other in their race to the left, coming up with various plans to ratchet down on gun rights, raise taxes, reduce carbon emissions (higher gasoline prices) and make the borders less secure, though they’re not calling it that.

On the other hand, with Trump commenting that he is “the chosen one,” it’s going to give his challengers, and late night TV hosts, plenty to talk about.

Among the survey’s other findings:

  • Forty-five percent of voters think President Trump “governs more like a third-party president than a traditional Republican,” Rasmussen reported.
  • Men feel more strongly than women that neither party represents the people.
  • Blacks are less likely than whites or other minorities to believe neither party in Congress is the “party of the American people.”
  • A convincing 57 percent of whites think the average Congressional Democrat is more liberal than they are, while only 35 percent of blacks and 49 percent of other minority voters agree.
  • Forty-seven percent of whites, 40 percent of blacks and 44 percent of other minorities think Republicans in Congress are more conservative than they are.

With the national elections just over 15 months away, and Congress in recess until after Labor Day, it appears politicians will have to do some work to change that, unless they take voters for granted.


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