
Obama Inc.’s Islamic Blow-back: Jihadi Hyper-Muscle PEAKING Inside America. What’s The Prognosis?

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ISLAM’s tentacles – akin to a slow-growing cancer and the spread of pathogenic agents onto a newly formed pathological site – had years to metastasize. But once attached, the chances for eradication become slim to none. Piggybacking one onto another, Islam’s foreign and domestic agents have been encircling America for several decades, thus, infiltrating and penetrating the nation. Currently, its poisonous roots are coming to full fruition. 

AS a matter of record, a recent expose’ (Aug. 18, 2018, among countless others) illuminated the looming dangers. Incontestably, as excerpted below, its catastrophic knock-on effects can be tracked through “Islamic Jihad’s DEEP Penetration Into The U.S. Via Political Office: What’s To Be Done?

…..In any event, back to America; the main pillar (alongside Israel) of Western Civilization, or of what’s left of it.

Much has been analyzed at this site (and through various interviews, for example, here and herere the infiltration and penetration of Islamic Jihad into America (the west at large) by way of various measures, some of which are frontal and require little edification, while others are outgrowths of stealth – insidious-like.

Be that as it may, time and again – relative to the entry of followers of Mohammed into political office in the U.S. – alarm bells ring at this site. In no uncertain terms, when one’s loyalty to uphold the Constitution is obviated by one’s higher loyalty, the imposition of Sharia Law (regardless of all their doublespeak), political office must be out of bounds – qualified citizenship beside the point. Period…… continue here….

IN this regard, individuals with eyes and ears and a modicum of learning will find it impossible to ignore the vast inroads gained by Mohammedans in America. Most acutely, their amassed political and cultural power – through the clout of the Brotherhood Mafia’s front-groups in N. America – is in plain view. In fact, said hyper-muscle outcome was absolutely predicted at these pages, meanwhile, recent thrusts will back-up its bullet-proof accuracy.

IN support thereof, the building blocks attest to evidence of the same, and what follows is what led them from there to here:




  • How many times has Dearbornistan been featured at this site, with one alarm bell after another? But for expediency sake, just take a peek from a few years back….here, herehere, and on and on.

RESULTANT, it is not accidental nor incidental that a Mohammedan from Dearbornistan was captured in Syria fighting for ISIS! Indeed, he joins a growing list of so-called Muslim-Americans captured on the enemy battlefield, or in prep thereof.

His family is claiming that he was misled. That is their only possible recourse, as otherwise they would have to admit that the Islamic State ideology is spreading in Dearborn. And that could lead to an investigation.

Dearborn man captured in Syria charged in terror case,” by Robert Snell and Sarah Rahal, Detroit NewsJuly 24, 2018:

Detroit — A Dearborn man captured on an Islamic State battlefield this month was charged in an unsealed indictment Tuesday with providing material support to the Islamic State.

The indictment, dated July 19, was unsealed five days after it was reported that Ibraheem Musaibli, 28, was taken into custody by coalition-backed forces this month while trying to flee the Middle Euphrates River Valley in northern Syria, according to the New York Times, which first reported his capture….

The indictment accuses Musaibli of providing support to ISIS since April 2015. ISIS is a designated foreign terrorist organization. He used several aliases, including Abu Shifa Musaibli and Abu ‘Abd Al-Rahman Al-Yemeni, according to the government….

The portrayal is at odds with a description provided by his family. Musaibli is no terrorist but was lured by fellow Muslims into coming to Syria to study religion and work, younger brother Abdullah Musaibli said last week.

On Tuesday, Abdullah Musaibli told The Detroit News he booked a flight home from New York after Ibraheem’s indictment.

“I have to come back to Michigan to support my big brother,” said Abdullah Musaibli, 26. “I’ve been in New York City for a couple of months … it’s time I see the family.”

Abdullah Musaibli said he still believes his brother is not a terrorist.

“Yes, 110 percent, I don’t just believe he’s innocent. I KNOW he’s innocent,” Abdullah Musaibli said via Facebook Messenger….

Ibraheem Musaibli was raised in Dearborn. An Edsel Ford High School dropout, Musaibli helped his father operate a perfume shop in Detroit and had no contact with police besides a few minor traffic incidents, according to the Dearborn Police.

continue reading the Jihadi truth here…..

  • Not only that, from 2014 and onward, these pages have been flashing neon lights, thus, highlighting the dangers from Jihadi compounds inside the nation and within Mexican border towns; 8 miles of spitting distance from El Paso, Texas. Border towns are rife with ISIS training camps. Yes, the smuggling of Jihadis into America must be a major component to shutting down the nation’s illegal onslaught – leftist-fascists be damned.

TO wit, how shocking is it to find out that the summer of 2018 experienced Jihadi upticks – more of the same and worse? Unerringly, Mohammedans in America are going from strength to strength!

…..Now, the Justice Department has announced a Jordanian living in Monterrey, Mexico, Moayad Heider Mohammad Aldairi, 31, was arrested Saturday when he arrived at JFK International Airport on a criminal complaint “for his role in a scheme to smuggle special interest aliens from Mexico into the United States.”

He was ordered held pending his transfer to authorities in Texas.

Aldairi allegedly smuggled six Yemeni citizens across the Mexican border and into the United States,” said Assistant Attorney General Benczkowski. “Alien smuggling puts our national security at risk, and the Criminal Division is dedicated to enforcing our immigration laws and disrupting the flow of illegal aliens into the United States.”

Judicial Watch explained the special interest aliens, six citizens of Yemen, were detained and interviewed by the Department of Homeland Security. A warrant alleges “each of them paid Aldairi varying amounts to be smuggled into the United States fromMexico.”

Judicial Watch noted Yemen, a major base for Islamic militants, is deemed a high security threat by the State Department, “and the 2009 Christmas Day airline bomber proudly trained there.”

“This is hardly an isolated case,” Judicial Watch said. “Foreigners from nations with terrorist ties have been slipping into the U.S. via Mexico for years……continue reading about the updated clarion call here….


  • To bring Jihadi matters even more full circle, to a head, if you will, much has been warned regarding the grooming of child Jihadis, as well as the part(s) played by uber Jihadist, Imam Siraj Wahhaj – among scores of others – to the encircling of Jihad throughout the nation! For the record, July 4, 2014 tied up all the loose ends re the dangers posed by Wahhaj; an “unindicted” co-conspirator in the 1993 World trade Center bombing!

LO and behold, the very same MEGA Jihadist is front and center, yes, his family alike. Indeed, the Jihadi apples don’t fall far from the terror tree!

New Mexico state judge Sarah Backus on Monday released five Islamic radicals on a $20,000 “signature bond,” which requires no payment.  The decision came as a shock, given what local law enforcement had discovered. 

At a ramshackle compound near the Colorado state line, Siraj Ibn Wahhaj, 39, Lucas Morton, 40, Jany Leveille, 35, Hujrah Wahhaj, 38, and Subhanah Wahhaj, 35, trained 11 children to use firearms and attack schools. The compound had been under surveillance but police only launched a raid when one of the children texted that they were all in need of food and water.

Police found rifles, handguns and ammunition and a shooting range. In a tunnel leading outside the compound they found the remains of a boy later identified as Abdul-Ghani Wahhaj. According to his mother, he took medicine for seizures but the Islamic radicals thought he was possessed by evil spirits. Prosecutor John Lovelace told reporters that the child died during one of the rituals…… 

Siraj Ibn Wahhaj is the son of Imam Siraj Wahhaj, an unindicted co-conspirator in the first World Trade Center bombing in 1993. The Imam, a former CAIR advisor, offered prayer at a Democratic National Convention event in 2012The elder Wahhaj is also close to Linda Sarsour, who urges Muslims to wage jihad against the Trump administration. For New Mexico officials, activities at the compound were reason enough to suspect the Muslims of  training the children for terrorist attacks. 

“This was not a camping trip and this was not a simple homesteading,” prosecutor Timothy Hasson told reporters. “The evidence as a whole suggests that this family was on a mission. And it was a violent one, and it was a dangerous one.” Added retired law enforcement officer Bill Rehm, Albuquerque….continue the Jihadi trail here…..

PREDICTABLY, mind you, when it comes to Islamists and the so-called long-arm of the law, well, they have little to fret about. This is a fact even under Trump, since most of the deep swamp within the FBI & DOJ still call the shots. Indeed, on several occasions, these pages proved prima facie evidence of the same. But it was in Feb. 2014 that the “indictment” was sealed: under the “watchful” eyes of the Obama administration via “Update – America’s Heartland Invaded: Terror Compounds Galore, Yet, Law Enforcement Gives Free Rein” the cancer was exposed. So, guess what happened this go-around? Wahhaj’s Islamists’ New Mexico terror compound went poof….. gone…destroyed….Got that?

ALAS, we are not done yet – as per Obama Inc.’s empowerment of Islamists and the attendant blow-back. While we have been concentrating on the Sunni side, we dare not forget the looming (and cooperative) Shia onslaught, and its footprints within these pages.  

Image result for pics of iran sleeper cells in america

THAT being established, does anyone in their right (no pun intended) mind find it “newsworthy” that Iranian spies were arrested in Chicago in Aug. 2018 – albeit, it could have been in “any city USA?” Regardless, bear uppermost: as proven within the evidentiary trails from “The House of Bribes” (a project yours truly was a part of), sans Obama Inc.’s billions in payoffs to Iran’s mullahcrocy, their decades-long burrowing within America would not be climaxing!

Iran spies stationed across U.S. a result of Obama-era cash payouts

The recent arrest of two Iranian agents alleged to have been running spy operations on U.S. soil is just “the tip of the iceberg” in terms of the Islamic Republic’s efforts to conduct intelligence operations in America that could result in a terrorist attack, according to a leading lawmaker and U.S. officials who spoke to the Washington Free Beacon about the matter.

Following the arrest of two Iranian individuals charged with spying on Jewish and Israeli facilities in the California area, Rep. Peter Roskam (R., Ill.) told the Free Beacon it is likely Iran has stationed multiple regime-tied agents in the United States to conduct intelligence operations.

While the arrest of the two Iranians was met with shock in the press, Roskam said he was not surprised by the arrests, which have unearthed concrete evidence of theIslamic Republic’s efforts to foment discord across the globe, including on American soil.

“This is the tip of the iceberg,” Roskam said in an interview. “This is not a surprise and this is a result of the Iran regime getting financial support from the Obama administration in the Iran deal“…..continue the treachery here…..

BACK to the thesis at hand….Jihadi (Sunni/Shia) hyper-muscle peaking in America!

Chanting “ALLAHU AKBAR’, tens of thousands of Muslims at MASSIVE jihad display of power at Vikings (U.S. Bank) Stadium, Minneapolis, Minnesota, Imam who called for GENOCIDE of Jews to speak, terror-tied Muslim Brotherhood speakers too.

LEAVE it to Pamela Geller – the “nightmare” and bane of Jihadists in America, unarguably, throughout the west – to pull no punches. But make no mistake: this Muslim Brotherhood Mafia expert predicted what such a public display of hyper-muscle flexing would portend: the lessening of stealth Jihad (as its necessity is no longer acute), and the onset of open and frontal Jihad from Mohammedans in America!!

PATRIOTS, do take URGENT note of the above diagram – the “7 phases for Islamic Caliphate.” Digest “2016-2020” for its full-on meaning. Then, you decide, if Islam’s tentacled leadership have been on target – or not. 

STILL yet, above all else, let these words sink in – sans any Allah-wash ala PC hogwash: Islam is a unique form of paganism, one that sanctifies evil in the name of a monotheistic theology. Think about its meaning. 

INCONTESTABLY, as F.W. Burleigh elucidated in his scholarly examination – a refreshingly “take no prisoners” exposition, “Was Muhammad Insane?“:

The fundamental problem of Islam is the belief that God talked to Muhammad and dictated the contents of the Koran to him. Muslims are indoctrinated into believing the Koran is God’s word, and so they act on the numerous incitements to violence they find in it. 

What they find in the Koran came from the mind of Muhammad, and for insight into the mental condition of this “prophet,” consider Chapter 33 of his Koran, entitled “The Confederates.” This is one of the chapters Muhammad composed in Yathrib (later called Medina) where he fled after his previously divided Meccan compatriots realized that the only way to preserve their way of life was to kill him.

The chapter is like a wild theme park ride that races in and out of numerous topics. In the 73 verses that make up the chapter, Muhammad covers the following in the God-voice he used for the Koran: He recaps a recent battle with the Meccans and excoriates people who were afraid to fight and die for him; he gloats about his extermination of the men and boys of one of the Jewish tribes of Yathrib, the confiscation of their property, and the enslavement of their women and children; he authorizes himself to take as many wives as he likes, permits himself to marry the wife of his adopted son, forbids himself from taking any more wives after he has taken as many as he likes, but allows himself sex slaves.

As the verses of this “revelation” continue, Muhammad imposes full body and face cover for women when outside the home, threatens people with humiliating punishment in the afterlife for annoying him, threatens to murder his critics, prohibits the practice of adoption, and dishes up images of sadistic torture in Hell awaiting people who don’t believe in him. He also praises himself as a “lamp spreading light,” and holds his behavior as a “beautiful pattern” for people to follow if they want to score well with Allah.

Among the verses is a celestial advisory that he must be obeyed:

“It is not fitting for a Believer, man or woman, when a matter has been decided by Allah and His Messenger to have any option about their decision: if any one disobeys Allah and His Messenger, he is indeed on a clearly wrong Path.” (Koran 33:36) [All of the Koran quotes in this article are taken from the Yusuf Ali translation.]

……continue Islam’s mad journey here…..if you dare!

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