
Norris: My New Action Movie, Agent Recon, Mirrors Real-Life Dangers Today

When it comes to entertainment, for me there are few things better than watching a good action-packed movie. One of those things is being in an action movie.

It’s been a while for me, but I am happy to announce I am back at it, this time alongside sci-fi icon and director/coproducer Derek Ting in the military combat film “Agent Recon,” out this Friday, June 21. If you are interested in taking a peek, here is a link to the movie’s trailer. And here’s another link to various venues where you can watch it.

One of the joys of this particular movie-making experience was the opportunity to work with my son Dakota, a third-degree blackbelt and martial arts expert in his own right, who choreographed my fight sequences.

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The storyline of the movie was well described on the IMDb website: “Alastair (Norris), the commander of a covert Earth security task force, calls upon super-powered rookie Jim (Ting) to go on a mission led by battle-hardened Colonel Green (Singer) and his seasoned marines to track a mysterious energy disturbance at a base in New Mexico suspected of experimenting on alien technology. When the team encounters an unknown being of not only extraordinary strength and speed, but the ability to control mindless warriors, the trio must fight through unstoppable hordes to uncover the truth behind the hostile alien fortress and prevent humanity’s demise.”

From that summary, one media outlet created the headline news, “Chuck Norris boots up as a covert ops automaton to protect humanity from an alien invasion in ‘Agent Recon.’”

As I read that headline, I thought, there’s one real-life alien invasion I truly wish I could protect our country from: the crime and criminals among the millions and millions of immigrants the Biden administration has encouraged and allowed to cross into the U.S. illegally from our southern border.

Anyone who knows me knows I respect all law-abiding people. I’m all for legal immigration, but I know for a fact that too much crime and criminals pass through the dark shadows of the massive illegal invasion going on since Biden took office.

Did you hear that a joint U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) force just arrested eight illegals with ties to ISIS?!

Don’t just take my word for it about the dangers crossing the border. Listen to the words of those who have spent their lives protecting it.

John James (J.J.) Carrell recently retired from the United States Border Patrol after a 24-year career as a Deputy Patrol Agent in Charge.

In his new book, “Invaded: The Intentional Destruction of the American Immigration System,” Carrell documents with irrefutable evidence how:

In the final year of the Trump Presidency, the border was within reach of being secure as the daily arrests had dwindled to the lowest numbers in Border Patrol history. Nations south of our border that once violated our nation’s sovereignty and blatantly disrespected our nation, now adhered to our strong President who forced those nations to heel and show our great nation respect.

On January 20, 2021, everything changed.

President Biden has intentionally destroyed the American immigration system through the manipulation of DHS policies and laws. Never before in American history has our nation been invaded by millions of foreigners all with the encouragement and direct assistance of the United States government. The once proud United States Border Patrol has been forced to participate in the unlawful smuggling of millions of illegal aliens to their final destinations across America. Morale within the DHS does not exist.

Within the first two years of Biden’s Presidency, over 5,000,000 illegal aliens have been arrested and millions have been fraudulently released into our nation. Another 10,000,000 have absconded undetected because hundreds of miles of the southern border are open with not one single Border Patrol Agent actively patrolling.

Our nation faces a crisis created by both political parties that if left to continue will destroy our nation from within. There is no greater threat to our Republic than the invasion of millions of foreigners that do not share our language, culture or our shared values and beliefs.

I can’t encourage you enough to listen to J.J. Carrell himself describe the sinister covert work of the federal government in this Rumble exposé: “REVEALED: The Horrifying Secret Behind the Border Invasion w/ J.J. Carrell.”

Officials have said that they have encountered illegals from more than 150 countries.

In February 2024, Pew Research further reported that “most border encounters now involve people from countries other than Mexico and the Northern Triangle [i.e., the nations of El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras].”

“Among countries with the largest numbers of illegals are India, Brazil, Canada and former Soviet Union countries” and China (Over 8,000 illegals from China were encountered at the southern border in December 2023 alone.)

And let’s not forget illegals crossing into the U.S. from the state sponsors of terrorism and those who harbor terrorists like Iran, Afghanistan, Somalia, Bangladesh, Egypt, Yemen, Iraq and Pakistan. Again, what more needs to be said when ICE and the FBI recently arrested eight Tajikistan illegals with ties to ISIS? Does anyone in Washington, D.C., remember 9/11?!

If you don’t think the feds are enabling criminals and criminalities to cross the border, consider these seven additional border crisis startling facts from the House Committee on Homeland Security:

Knowing the exhaustive list of heinous criminalities described above, I can’t imagine how any politician on the left or right – let alone any American – could justify being an advocate of open borders without law and order.

I plea with my fellow Americans to fight every day to stop the alien invasion and illegalities at all ports of entry into the U.S., and particularly at our southern borders:

  1. WRITE your representatives and the White House today and demand they: STOP THE INVASION NOW! Make America SAFE and SECURE AGAIN!
  1. In order to help your individual state, because every state is now a border state, check out the resources and educational tour at Border911.com coming soon to a city near you!

(For further insight on our real border crisis, I recommend three additional resources: 1. Please read my recent column: “Texas sheriffs demand, ‘STOP THE U.S. INVASION NOW!‘” 2. Please read America’s First Policy Institute’s article “How Our Open Border Leaves Us More Vulnerable to Terrorism.” 3. Please read the Naval Post Graduate School’s report on Cooperation Between Mexican Drug Cartels and Al Qaeda or ISIS)

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Content created by the WND News Center is available for re-publication without charge to any eligible news publisher that can provide a large audience. For licensing opportunities of our original content, please contact licensing@wndnewscenter.org.

This article was originally published by the WND News Center.


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