
No such thing as ‘transgendered’ – Says who? Science

Transgendered is a word being bandied about quite a bit lately.

It’s almost as if certain politicians and media outlets are bombarding us with everything transgendered in a move to desensitize the populous to what this thing truly is, and after we’ve had this shoved down our throats long enough (no pun intended), then we’ll all accept the entire notion of transgendered as perfectly normal.

But I have a different perspective. I’m of the opinion that it’s anything but normal. In fact, I find transgendered to be the textbook definition of abnormal.

Of course, President Trump putting the kibosh on this whole transgendered bunch openly serving in the armed forces has whipped the entire LGBTQIAPK community into quite the angered frenzy.

Just in case you aren’t quite sure what the LGBTQIAPK community is, that particular set of initials stands for “Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersexual, Asexual, Pansexual and Polygamous, and Kinkiness.”

Anyhow, like I said, the, umm… shall I say this? The alternative lifestyle crowd is in full power-pout regarding The Donald bringing Barack Obama’s grand social experiment to a decidedly unceremonious end.

As the legitimately elected Commander-in-Chief recently sent via social media;




Transgendered. (Twitter)

Caution: No Safe Space Ahead…

With all that aside, allow me to make the following trigger-inducing statements;

  • There is no such woman named Caitlyn Jenner
  • There is no such woman named Kristin Beck
  • There is no such woman named Chelsea Manning

There are, however, three quasi-famous men named Bruce Jenner, Christopher Beck and Bradley Manning, respectively. Of course, the common thread is that they’re all transgendered. Or in my personal opinion, three guys who’ve grown their hair long, had breast implants, then mutilated their genitals, but that’s just my opinion.

With transgendered being a relatively new word in the Western lexicon, what exactly does that mean? To liberals it means that a man has become a woman, and conversely, a woman becomes a man, period.

I won’t use a theological argument due to the liberal belief that nothing is greater them. So instead, I’ll just fall back on common sense and basic biology.

  • Of course, everyone is familiar with cloning à la Dolly the sheep. So if and when science starts cloning human beings, what if Bruce, Chris and Bradley donate some scraping from their inner cheek? Will that clone be male or female? We already know the answer to that. No matter what operation they have or pills they ingest, they’ll never change their chromosomes.

Now just a couple of rhetorical questions:

  • Is it scientifically possible for Bruce, Chris or Bradley of ever being diagnosed with cervical cancer?
  • Is it scientifically possible for Bruce, Chris or Bradley of ever being diagnosed with prostate cancer?

I would like to make it abundantly clear that I don’t hate or have any ill will for those who either choose or approve of this particular lifestyle.

Here’s what I’d like – how about stop demanding the rest of us agree with and accept your life choices, or face the consequences of your Gestapo-like reprisals?

That’s reasonable, isn’t it?

Related – Obama’s edict on transgendered students also gives males access to female living facilities at colleges

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