N.H. Gov. Chris Sununu Demands Apology After Biden Calls MAGA ‘Semi-Fascist’

In a nation as inexorably divided as America in 2022, our leaders and politicians need to take extra caution with every syllable that they speak. There is no real room for vitriol and hyperbole, especially if it comes from a place of power.
This is why one GOP Governor is demanding an apology from President Joe Biden after a recent series of insulting and unacceptable claims he made in regard to the Republican Party and the MAGA Movement.
Biden, speaking at a Democratic fundraiser in Maryland last week, called out “extreme” Republicans that ascribe to what he called the “ultra MAGA agenda,” referring to former President Donald Trump’s “Make America Great Again” mantra.
“What we’re seeing now, is either the beginning or the death knell of an extreme MAGA philosophy,” Biden said. “It’s not just Trump, it’s the entire philosophy that underpins the ― I’m going to say something, it’s like semi-fascism.”
Biden has criticized the GOP’s slide toward extremism before, but his latest comment marked a sharpened tone for a president seeking to defend his party’s narrow congressional majorities in November’s midterm elections.
This infuriated at least one Republican lawmaker.
New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu (R) on Sunday demanded an apology from Joe Biden after the president criticized a wing of the Republican Party for embracing authoritarianism.
“The fact that the president would go out and just insult half of America [and] effectively call half of America semi-fascist,” Sununu said on CNN’s “State of the Union.” “He’s trying to stir up controversy. He’s trying to stir up this anti-Republican sentiment right before the election. It’s horribly inappropriate.”
Other prominent members of the GOP responded as well, including Texas Senator Ted Cruz, who explained that the “communists have always called their enemies fascists”.
Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?
Cross-posted with Flag and Cross
- Australia’s Sky News On Biden’s ‘Semi-Fascist’ Smear: ‘Look In The Mirror’ (Video)
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- #FJB: Biden Calls Trump, 75 Million Americans Who Support Him, ‘Semi-Fascists’
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