
Moral Clarity? Leftist Media Blames Israel for Gaza Hospital Attack

Are you brainwashed by the leftist media?

As news came on Tuesday that a Gaza hospital – Al-Ahli Baptist Hospital – had been hit with a rocket attack that killed about 500 people, leftist media shills immediately blamed Israel. Israel conducted an investigation and stated that it was a barrage of rockets from the Islamic Jihad group. But that hasn’t stopped the rhetoric, nor the political fallout as even Mahmoud Abbas pulled out of a meeting with Biden set for Wednesday over the rocket strike.

Remember the first rule when a crime is committed: who benefits from it? In the propaganda wars, this was not advantageous for Israel, but it seriously helps the terrorists. The lack of moral clarity in anything nowadays leaves a confused populace.

Let’s first think about the well-known fact that Hamas uses civilians as human shields. They dig their terror tunnels under schools and hospitals. But does that mean Israeli defense forces would deliberately bomb a hospital? Not likely. But other terrorists would in a heartbeat and might even do it deliberately to blame Israel.

The media immediately stated that the airstrike came from Israel – they received that information from the Gaza Health authority. But that is likely incorrect:

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“From the analysis of the operational systems of the IDF, an enemy rocket barrage was carried out towards Israel, which passed through the vicinity of the hospital when it was hit. According to intelligence information, from several sources we have, the Islamic Jihad terrorist organization is responsible for the failed shooting that hit the hospital.” IDF Spokesperson

Naturally, the terrorist sympathizers in Congress jumped on the news:

Prime Minster Netanyahu also stated that it was an enemy rocket that hit the hospital, but at this point there is no moral clarity, and no one is listening. It will create pressure on Israel for a ceasefire, which will guarantee the same kind of war will happen again.  While it is terrible that the Gaza hospital was attacked, Israel needs to eradicate Hamas once and for all. Unfortunately, that is unlikely since terrorists are like cockroaches in the Middle East.

“The barbarian terrorists in Gaza are the ones who attacked the hospital in Gaza, not the IDF. He who brutally murdered our children, also murders his children.” Israeli PM Bibi Netanyahu

“He who brutally murdered our children, also murders his children.” Let that sink in. Who benefitted from the attack on the Gaza hospital?



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Faye Higbee

Faye Higbee is the columnist manager for Uncle Sam's Misguided Children. She has been writing at Conservative Firing Line since 2013 as well. She is also a published author.

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