
McCarthy Removed Schiff, Swalwell from House Intel Committee

Schiff not taking it well

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy removed Adam Schiff and Eric Swalwell from the House Intelligence Committee on Tuesday. The Speaker tussled with a reporter from PBS (no surprise there) over the move, and Schiff complained (no surprise there either). But Twitter users slammed Schiff for being a “lying, leaking clown,” and suggested they both join a “Fang Fang fan club.”

McCarthy took Lisa Desjardins a PBS reporter to task after she demanded that George Santos be removed from other committees. Santos is not on the House Intelligence committee. She insisted he should not be on any committee.

Let me be very clear and respectful to you. You ask me a question, when I answer it, it’s the answer to your question. You don’t get to determine whether I answer your question or not, okay? With all respect, thank you… No, no. Let’s answer her question. You just raised the question. I will be very clear with you. The Intel Committee is different, well, you know why? Because what happens in the Intel Committee, you don’t know. What happens in the Intel committee, other secrets are going on the world, other members of Congress don’t know.” Kevin McCarthy

McCarthy also told press members,

Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?

“Schiff used his power as a chairman and lied to the American public. Even the inspector general said it. When Devin Nunes put out a memo, Schiff said it was false. When we had a laptop, he used it before an election to play politics and say that it was false and said it was the Russians when he knew different, when he knew the Intel … He used his position as chairman, knowing he has information the rest of America does not, and lied to the American public.” Kevin McCarthy

Schiff didn’t take being booted from the intel committee with any semblance of respect. He called it “petty, political payback.” But then, this is the guy (aka ‘pencil neck’) who routinely lied to Americans when he had the intel to know it wasn’t true. And we all know the reason Swalwell was booted…his relationship with a Chinese spy.

Many Twitter users remarked that Schiff should be removed from Congress entirely after his stunts, but of course since he was duly elected by foolish voters in California, they won’t be able to do that. He’s even fund-raising already off his removal. Members of the intel committee are “select members” and can be removed simply by order of the Speaker. Schiff is slithery like a venomous snake and should have been barred from the chairmanship of the intel committee a long time ago. And personally, I think ALL committees along with his pal Swalwell.

Schiff believes he’s “saving democracy” when in fact he’s bent on destroying the Republic. His power went to his little pea brain.

“The decision to remove you from the Intel committee is right for America and you highly overestimate your importance and contribution to this country. Are you still here?” @HonorStrength



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Faye Higbee

Faye Higbee is the columnist manager for Uncle Sam's Misguided Children. She has been writing at Conservative Firing Line since 2013 as well. She is also a published author.

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