
Lorenzo Anderson’s Brother Says CHOP Members Hid His Body From Him

Lorenzo Anderson’s brother, the victim from the Saturday morning shooting at CHOP says that members of the anarchist zone hid his little brother’s body from him. Why would they do that if a “right wing” person managed to sneak into the zone? Cover up? Trying to keep someone from killing one of their own?

Lorenzo Anderson's brother
Screenshot via Converge Media

The brother’s name was not given.

The brother claimed that “protesters” told him that the blood did not belong to his brother, but he pointed out that the other shooting victim drove themselves to the hospital and that his brother was the only one who was bleeding out at CHAZ.

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“It’s my block now. My little brother died on this block.” Lorenzo Anderson’s brother

A couple of pieces of information not previously stated: the brother said there were two shootings on Saturday – one where his brother was killed, and one a block away. He also mentioned that the other victim drove himself to the hospital, which is not what Seattle Police stated: they said that the both victims were transported to the Harborview Medical Center by CHOP medics. The second victim is in critical condition, and while it could be that he took himself to the hospital, since Harborview is only a few blocks from CHOP, it’s iffy.

Lorenzo Anderson’s brother mentioned that he was not going to take kindly to anymore of his brothers being hurt, and that he would be out there every night from now on. He also said he was willing to go to jail for life based on what he would do to the suspect.

Kshama Sawant, the extreme left wing socialist member of Seattle’s City council, claimed that a right wing person sneaked into the CHOP zone and killed Lorenzo Anderson. The attempt to hide Anderson’s body from his own brother makes that narrative suspect.

Just prior to the shooting, a fight broke out between members of CHOP. It is unclear what the fight was about. But if a CHOP member did the shooting, then it smashes Sawant’s theory all to pieces. Will anyone actually listen if that’s the case? Or will they just kill the perpetrator without a trial if they find him first?

The full livesteam of the interview by Converge Media with Lorenzo Anderson’s brother is here (59 minutes):

H/T Uncle Sam’s Misguided Children


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Faye Higbee

Faye Higbee is the columnist manager for Uncle Sam's Misguided Children. She has been writing at Conservative Firing Line since 2013 as well. She is also a published author.

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