Linda Sarsour defends call for ‘jihad’ against Trump, says conservative critics are ‘Islamophobes’
On Sunday, the Washington Post published an op-ed by Women’s March organizer Linda Sarsour in which she defended her use of the highly-charged term “jihad” in her call for Muslim resistance against President Trump and referred to conservative critics as Islamophobes for daring to see her attack as a potential call to violence.
“This week, conservative media outlets took a speech I gave to the largest gathering of Muslims in America out of context and alleged that I had called for a violent ‘jihad’ against the president. I did not. Sadly, this is not a new experience for me. Since the Women’s March on Washington, which I had the privilege of co-chairing with inspirational women from across the country, my family and I have received countless threats of physical violence. These ugly threats come from people who also spout anti-Muslim, xenophobic and white-supremacist beliefs. Their sole agenda is to silence and discredit me because I am an effective leader for progress, a Palestinian American and Brooklyn-born Muslim woman. In short, I am their worst nightmare,” she wrote.
Translation: Anyone critical of me is a bigot and a white supremacist.
According to Sarsour, she sent “a call to speak truth to power and to commit to the struggle for racial and economic justice.”
Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?
Is that what she said? Really?
“I hope, that when we stand up to those who oppress our communities, that Allah accepts from us that as a form of jihad,” she said in her speech at the ISNA convention.
“We are struggling against tyrants and rulers not only abroad … but here in the United States of America where you have fascists and white supremacists and Islamophobes reining in the White House,” she added.
Moreover, she encouraged Muslims to not assimilate into the great melting pot called the United States of America.
“Our number one and top priority is to protect and defend our community. It is not to assimilate and to please any other people in authority,” she said. “And our top priority … is to please Allah, and only Allah.”
So much for E Pluribus Unum.
“Most disturbing about this recent defamation campaign is how it is focused on demonizing the legitimate yet widely misunderstood Islamic term I used, ‘jihad,’ which to majority of Muslims and according to religious scholars means ‘struggle’ or ‘to strive for,’” Sarsour added. “This term has been hijacked by Muslim extremists and right-wing extremists alike, leaving ordinary Muslims to defend our faith and in some cases silenced. It sets a dangerous precedent when people of faith are policed and when practicing their religion peacefully comes with consequences.”
One person asked:
Then how about condemning groups that commit terrorist acts in the name of Jihad?
— Michael Boyd (@MichaelBoyd174) July 10, 2017
Another person evoked the terror attack of 9/11:
Another Twitter user added:
The Daily Caller noted:
Sarsour vowed to keep fighting in spite of the attacks from “xenophobes and conservative media” because “dissent is the highest form of patriotism, and I intend to continue to push my country to respect the rights of all its citizens. I will not be silenced.”
Despite being a Women’s March organizer, Sarsour has been particularly dismissive of certain issues affecting women. When news broke of the Michigan doctors allegedly performing female genital mutilation on girls as young as seven, Sarsour’s responded to a commenter who asked if she cried over it with “I sure do.”
She has also wished she could take away the vagina of Ayaan Hirsi Ali, a female genital mutilation survivor.
This focus on herself is nothing new for Sarsour, as Daniel Pipes notes in a lengthy post here.
I am beautiful therefore #AmericaIsBeautiful
— Linda Sarsour (@lsarsour) February 3, 2014
In January 2015, for example, he noted:
A fanatic anti-Zionist named Nora wrote Sarsour on Twitter, “I want to be @lsarsour when I grow up.” To which our favorite narcissist replied, “Means a lot to me. Anyone can. We all have it in us.”
In December of the same year, he added:
Sarsour reacted negatively to a plea by Barack Obama that American Muslims help “root out” and confront extremist ideology in their communities: “We would never ask any other faith community to stand up and condemn acts of violence committed by people within their groups. The fact that this is only directed at the Muslim community is something that I personally can’t accept.”
In May 2016, he observed:
Sarsour showed off her profound knowledge of history on a panel at the Union Theological Seminary with a bizarre account of the Islamic prophet Muhammad: “Our prophet was a racial justice activist, a human rights activist, a feminist in his own right. He was a man that cared about the environment. He cared about animal rights. … He was also the first victim of Islamophobia.”
In the latest update, posted on June 10, 2017, Pipes asked: “Is she an ignoramus or a liar?”
His entire post is well worth reading and will help one more easily place her Sunday op-ed in context.
- “BOLO/APB” ALERT IN NYC: Brotherhood Muslima, Linda Sarsour, Incites Jihad!
- Linda Sarsour calls for Muslims in America to wage ‘jihad’ against Trump — Video
- WaPo Blames Conservatives for Uproar over Linda Sarsour’s ‘Jihad’ Speech
- Women’s March organizer Linda Sarsour on London terror attack: ‘Evil has no religion’
- Hillary Clinton: Muslims ‘have nothing whatsoever to do with terrorism’ — Video
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