Libs declare war on Seattle’s KOMO; Perhaps too much balanced news?

A coalition of far-left organizations has taken to social media in an attack on Seattle’s KOMO, the local ABC affiliate, apparently because it is owned by Sinclair Broadcast Group, which is targeted because it allegedly promotes “right-wing propaganda pieces.”

In this particular case, an advertisement appearing on Facebook is a take-off on a well-received hour-long documentary that aired earlier this year titled “Seattle is Dying.”
According to the Facebook ad, sponsored by Civic Action, “KOMO is Dying.”
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“Right now,” the advertisement declares, “we need 50,000 Americans to pledge to switch off Sinclair and send them a message that we won’t stand for right-wing propaganda.”
Nobody ever did that to CNN or MSNBC, or the three other network affiliates in Seattle, KIRO (CBS), KCPQ (FOX) and KING (NBC). Although FOX News is despised by the political left, it is only KOMO that is being targeted by this effort to shut down what, at least in the opinion of Seattle-based liberals, represents a different viewpoint.
Yet, even under Sinclair ownership, the day-to-day reporting by the KOMO News team does not appear to have changed much at all. Veteran reporters and anchors at the longtime Seattle station are top-notch. Their matter-of-fact approach to news has apparently only riled the left because of the corporate ownership.

Groups apparently endorsing this attempt to shut down a Puget Sound broadcasting icon include Abolish the Electoral College, Civic Action, the Daily Kos, DemCast, Democratic Association of Secretaries of State, Integrity First PAC, National Democratic Training Committee, Progressive Change Campaign Committee and Stop Republicans. The names of these groups essentially tells where their blinders-on political perspectives are located.
A couple of features have been added to the newscasts, including a point-counterpoint commentary segment and reports from the “Terrorism Watch” desk.
Maybe it’s the news stories KOMO covers that the left doesn’t like. For example, KOMO on Tuesday reported on a study showing gun sales have jumped 31 percent in Washington over the past ten years. It’s the 18th highest percentage of sales across the 50 states and District of Columbia. The left doesn’t like positive news about gun ownership.
That doesn’t surprise anyone in the firearms community. Washington currently has the second-highest number of active concealed pistol licenses of any Western state, next to Utah. At last report from the state Department of Licensing, the Evergreen State has more than 631,200 active CPLs, which translates to roughly one in every nine adults in the state is licensed to carry. Roughly 22 percent of them are women.
There has been an active effort to saddle Washingtonians with the most restrictive gun laws in the West outside of California, an effort bankrolled by Seattle-area wealthy-elitists supporting the Seattle-based Alliance for Gun Responsibility.
KOMO is also reporting a gruesome crime that wasn’t prevented by the gun control measures instituted by two gun control initiatives. The stabbing death of a Lakewood convenience store owner by a suspect who, at this report, was still at large.
The station is also covering the strangulation murder of a man in Seattle’s Lake City district, also not prevented by the gun control crusade.
But KING, KIRO and KCPQ all reported about the Lakewood murder. All four stations are handling the story about the same way.
KIRO is also reporting on the arrest of an armed robbery suspect who apparently tried to pull a robbery using a stolen sawed-off shotgun, which is illegal in the state.
Is the left merely trying to silence an established news organization because it just happens to be owned by someone liberals don’t like?
What if it was a coalition of conservative organizations trying to silence a different local news outlet?
Because of this, perhaps conservative Washington residents will turn their attention to KOMO news, and watch the station during the prime time hours.
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