Liberal Judge Sets Signature Bond for Five Jihadis from New Mexico Camp
Judge Sarah Backus, a Democrat, released all five jihadis arrested at a New Mexico camp prior to trial on a “signature bond.” She ordered them to “wear ankle monitors, have weekly contact with their attorneys and not consume alcohol or own firearms while on bail.” She said the prosecutors failed to show a danger to the public. It means that they did not have to post money to be released. Only one of the five may remain in custody in spite of the bond, and that’s because of an outstanding warrant.
“What I’ve heard here today is troubling, definitely. Troubling facts about numerous children in far from ideal circumstances and individuals who are living in a very unconventional way.” Judge Sarah Backus
Eleven children were nearly starved. One child died and his body left in a secret tunnel. Firearms were being used to teach children to do school shootings. The group leader, Siraj Wahhaj, is the son of a radical Imam who advocates Islam taking over the United States. But there is no “danger to the public?” That’s just “troubling” and “unconventional?”
Will this presidential election be the most important in American history?
Wahhaj may remain in custody due to being detained on a warrant out of Georgia. But the others were to be released Tuesday.
The reaction against her has been swift, with people are calling for her to be removed from the bench. She has placed the public in danger herself by releasing suspected terrorists.
“By releasing these suspects without even requiring them to post bail, Judge Backus has put people in danger and created the risk that they could flee and harm other children and communities as well. If New Mexico Democratic Party leaders are serious about keeping our state safe, they should join me in denouncing Judge Backus and the incredible failure of leadership and judgment demonstrated by her terrible decision.” Ryan Cangiolosi, NM Republican Party Chairman in the Fox News report
New Mexico courts at their worst.
Elections have consequences: “…’if you have lived in northern New Mexico for any period of time you are aware that many people here live in unconventional ways,’ Judge Sarah Backus said.” #nmpol— Bailey N. Griffith (@BaileyNGriffith) August 14, 2018
So I called the Governors office in New Mexico and got a return call while mowing the lawn. A message was left that the governor can’t overturn a decision by judge Sarah Backus,they urged me 2 call her! Let’s light this “Judges” office up!! Judge Sarah Backus
575-7583173— PugZ (@scott_pugsley) August 14, 2018
Isn’t America great, you can murder kids, kidnap kids, and run an Islamic Extremist camp to teach kids to shoot up schools.
If you get caught, Judge Sarah Backus will let you walk on a signature bond.
— Paul Talley (@PaulTalley) August 14, 2018
This idiot judge needs immediate disbarment! If anyone else is hurt by these criminals, I hope she is jailed. #SarahBackusJudge #loserliberal
— Jim (@Jim7392) August 14, 2018
This is Judge Sarah Backus! She is out of her freaking mind! Someone please disbar this woman who is on the side of criminals rather than the law! She is the one who let them go! #TaosCompound #Taos #TaosNM
— AmericaTheBeautiful (@knowrio) August 14, 2018
Sarah Backus, please step down as a NM judge. You have done NOTHING in showing justice for those children. #OneAlbuquerque enough is enough. These judges are not stable anymore. GET THESE CHILD ABUSERS OFF OUR STREETS!!!!!!
— ♡Ḿຮ_Ꮷ⁅Ṉ♡ (@MedicatedMama3) August 14, 2018
This is America, where highly impressionable children trained to carry out mass shootings aren’t a threat.
“Judge Sarah Backus said although she was concerned by “troubling facts,” prosecutors failed to articulate any specific threats to the community.”
— Coup de Grâce (@ELINTxHUMINT) August 14, 2018
Judge Sarah #Backus needs to resign.
RT if you agree!
Every single public official needs to call on her to step down.#NewMexicoCompound #NewMexico #Trump#jihad #FoxNews
— Ryan Mauro (@ryanmauro) August 14, 2018
Really need to remove Judge Sarah Backus and others of like incompetence. Kidnapping accross state lines child abuse starvation brain washing torture but not dangerous to society got it.
— #AllenGangGang (@pacificfinfan1) August 14, 2018
H/T Uncle Sam’s Misguided Children
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